January 2019

Depression, Experts, Mind, Paweni

Naturally Lift Your Mood – Here’s How to Do it

Dr Nyarai Paweni, ND We put a significant amount of attention on our physical health while often neglecting to do the same for our mental health. However, mental/emotional health is just as important as we strive to live healthy and vibrant lives. There are times when we each experience symptoms of depression, sadness, feeling down/low […]

Natural News

Dr Nyarai Paweni, ND

Dr Nyarai Paweni, ND  is a graduate of NUHS, Lombard, IL and  Member of ILNAP, TMPC & ZANPH of Zimbabwe. Author, Speaker, Mentor, Founder & Owner of Sage ReStorative Health, holistic and wellness center. w:Sagehw.com e:[email protected], Facebook.com/sagerhealth. Twitter: @DrNyarai, IG:Sagerhealth

Natural News

Arterial Hypertension Treated with Isolated Spirulina Peptide

Razi Berry Spirulina, or “blue-green algae,” is commonly considered a “superfood” due to its myriad of health properties. The food is actually a special kind of bacteria called a cyanobacterium – Arthrospira platensis – that has the unique ability to photosynthesize, just like plants. It has been used as a food source by various cultures

Natural News

Lung-Inspired Method Turns Water into Fuel

Razi Berry From Stanford University Scientists at Stanford University have designed an electrocatalytic mechanism that works like a mammalian lung to convert water into fuel. Their research, published December 20 in the journal Joule, could help existing clean energy technologies run more efficiently. The act of inhaling and exhaling The act of inhaling and exhaling

Natural News

Magnesium and Vitamin D Levels

Razi Berry A recent study shows that magnesium may play an important role in optimizing vitamin D levels. The study, led by researchers from Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center indicates that magnesium optimizes and balances vitamin D status; increasing it when deficient, and lowering it when too high. Research important in the context of controversial findings on

Natural News

Regular Sex Improves Enjoyment of Life in Seniors

Razi Berry It is an often-overlooked aspect of aging life, though for the young, and middle-aged it is considered a key component to a healthy and enjoyable life – SEX. Sexual intercourse for seniors is key to good health According to a new study, regular sexual intercourse, even in our senior years, is key to

Natural News

Why Are Some People More Vulnerable to Hunger?

Razi Berry It’s next to impossible to avoid occasions where the smells and sights of food will tantalize and torment us. Part of the difficulty in resisting these delicious items is a hormone found in the stomach that signals hunger – ghrelin. This hormone is currently being studied as a factor in overeating and obesity.

Natural News

Study Argues that Statins are Recommended Far too Often

Razi Berry Many naturopathic and functional medicine practitioners question the function and use of statin medications. A recent study may help support these non-conventional views of the commonly prescribed “preventative measure,” suggesting that statins may be over prescribed, and current guidelines fail to account for risks and side effects from the drug. The research has

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