Common Colds: How to support your child’s immune system, naturally

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Dr Taylor Bean, ND

As a mother, my heart goes out to the kiddies that fall ill. When they catch a cold you can be left feeling helpless. If the situation isn’t serious, are there things you can do at home before heading to the doctor? Yes, there are lots you can do. As a naturopathic doctor, I use simple and effective treatments to help support and boost children’s immune system naturally when they come down with the cold.

Fact about the common  cold

The first thing to be aware of is common colds are usually due to viruses, particularly the rhinovirus or adenovirus. As a result, antibiotics will not be an appropriate treatment.

What does a common cold look like?

Your child could present with a variation of symptoms associated with the common cold such as sore throat, runny nose, congested nasal passage, sneezing, headache, fatigue, irritability or fussiness, or low grade fever.

It is important to note that some of these symptoms could be pointing to something else going on. If you feel there is something more going on with your child’s health, it is always a good idea to seek professional help.

What would be the first thing you should do when your child shows signs of the common cold?

Encourage your child to rest. Their body needs energy to fight the infection. Also, do not force your child to eat as a loss of appetite allows energy to go towards the immune system rather than on digesting food. Instead, when they do eat, make sure your child is obtaining quality nutrients during this time such as good proteins, fruits and vegetables. In addition, give your child some liquid every 15 – 30 minutes to keep hydrated.

Next step

Supporting the immune system with nature’s most powerful antimicrobials

  • Vitamin C:  along with being an important antioxidant it also helps to enhance white blood cell function and activating and increasing interferon levels, antibody responses and antibody levels.
  • Cod liver oil: This contains vitamin A, which has been shown by some studies to improve immune function.
  • Zinc lozenges:  To soothe sore throats give zinc lozenges can be very effective.
  • Probiotics: an excellent way to help support the immune system. A large portion of our immune system is created in our digestive tract; therefore, we need to add good bacteria such as Lactobaccillus and Bifidobacterium Without good bacteria, things can get out of control and weaken production of immune cells. In addition, good bacteria become especially important if your child is on antibiotics.
  • Echinacea: At the onset of a cold, the medicinal properties of this herb work to increase the production and activity of white blood cells. It also works to increase production of interferon, an important part of the body’s response to viral infections.
  • Garlic: the active ingredient of garlic is called alicin. Alicin is a strong antimicrobial, which means it can fight bacteria, viruses and parasites. There are creative ways to give garlic to your child!

Make sure you avoid weakening your child’s immune system

  • Ditch the sugar – I like to characterize sugar (glucose) as making the immune system sticky therefore dampens the powerful players of your immune system. Eating or drinking 100grams (8tsp) of sugar, the equivalent of about two cans of soda, can greatly reduce your white blood cells from killing germs by about 40%. The immune-suppressing effect of sugar starts less than 40 minutes after consumption and can last for about 5 hours.

Is there anything else you can do?

Yes! I have had great results using homeopathic remedies with my little patients. They are a safe and effective treatment (when used appropriately). This is another avenue we can use to battle your child’s lingering or even acute cold symptoms.

Protect yourself and your family from the cold and flu season

With flu season at its peak, we have invited some of the top naturopathic physicians from NaturalPath and Naturopathic Doctor News & Review to share natural ways to prevent and heal from the flu.

In this guide you will learn:

– How to prevent the flu in your home
– Foods and supplements that can fight the virus
– Expert advice from leading physicians on how to treat the flu
– Understand the signs on when it is time to see your doctor
– The purpose behind your child’s fever and why you shouldn’t try to bring it down, sometimes

Get the Free PDF, Naturopathic Solutions for the Cold and FluHere!



Dr Taylor Bean is a Canadian Naturopathic Doctor and she provides complete healthcare by using alternative medicine for both you and your entire family. She is a mother of two little ones so she is passionate about helping women with common pregnancy complaints and raising healthy babies.

Learn more about Dr. Bean at

Author: Editor

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