The Power of Fasting: The True Healing Power of Nature

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Dr. Charley Cropley, ND

“The disease that fasting cannot cure, cannot be cured.”

-German Proverb

Whether you are seriously ill or in vibrant Health and wanting more, fasting is the fastest, safest most elegant way to rejuvenate and vitalize your body.

I have fasted repeatedly throughout my life. I have also led thousands of people through fasts of between 3 and 7 days; some as long as 50 days.

Fasting is the most powerful Healing tool I know of. I teach my every client how to fast.

If you have lost your Health and vitality you will find fasting to be so valuable as to be astounding.

Fasting is a high art, one of the great skills of life.

In fasting you rest from your deeply entrenched habits and allow yourself to be completely vulnerable and present all the cravings that have ruled your behavior.  You go through withdrawals, descend into hell, face your demons and take back your Health, Beauty and Vitality. You turn within and find the strength of your own  goodwill toward yourself.  You gain the power to govern your life more wisely. After a lifetime of over-indulgence, of rushing and not pausing to rest, fasting brings you into true intimacy with yourself.  You stop running away from your symptoms and allow yourself to become intimate with your own suffering and, amazingly, you find that your sufferings are soothed, healed.

I witness this every day in my practice have seen it proven with many thousands of my patients.

Your entire concept of Health will change dramatically when you experience that there actually lives within you a Healing power that, when allowed to work, Heals you.  Truly, for real, Heals you.  Fasting gives you a Self-confidence, an uncontrived sense of security about your Health.  This confidence cannot come from outside yourself.

How does this happen?  The answer of Naturopathic Physicians is by “The Healing Power of Nature”; by your innate power to Self-Heal.  The same power  that heals cuts and bruises, that makes hearts and babies.  We all recognize that such a Power exists, but we have not ever learned how to practically rely on it to Heal ourselves.

Fasting is absolutely ordinary, Natural.  When you stop all your doing and rest, when you give yourself over to the Healing Power of Life, you Heal.  Period.

Fasting is not a cure.  There are no cures.

Fasting is something essential like sleep, wholesome eating and exercise.

How mysterious that when we all our efforts to cure, fight against, destroy, avoid our misery; when we give up doing anything at all and just turn ourselves over to the Wisdom of our body, She heals herself, by herself, like every other living creature.

If this interests you.  If you would like to experience in your own body the truth of what I say, please come join me in my upcoming course. I will teach you how to fast.

Yours In Health and Happiness,


For Course Details & to Register Click Here.

Cropley-138Dr. Charley Cropley has been a practicing Naturopathic Doctor, teacher and author in the Boulder/Denver since 1979. He has trained hundreds of doctors in his methods of nutrition and Self-Healing. He teaches a variety of courses and retreats. He is author of numerous articles, several books, a blog and an array of audio and videos. He is a frequent lecturer at the colleges of Naturopathic Medicine, and is regarded by his peers as one of today’s leading thinkers and teachers in the philosophy and practice of Naturopathic Medicine.

Charley works with all types of Health problems using no medicines or supplements. He teaches his patients to Heal themselves through wholesome nutrition, strengthening exercise, positive thinking and honest, caring relationships. He lives what he teaches.

Author: Editor

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