A Natural First Aid Kit for Travel
Dr. Tamara (Cullen) Evans, ND The kids are out of school and the sun is calling. I think we can all agree that summer means travel, whether it’s a weekend road trip, an exotic destination you’ve [...]
Got Fiber?
Dr. Tamara (Cullen) Evans, ND As a pediatric naturopathic practitioner, one of the top complaints I see in this population is constipation. This condition may start as early as 6 months with [...]
4 Herbs to get you Back Outside: Natural Treatments for Allergies
Dr. Tamara (Cullen) Evans, ND Every Season is Allergy Season Allergy season is upon us in most parts of the country, and whether you or your little one is reactive to grasses or tree pollens or [...]
Peanut Allergies and Children
Dr. Tamara (Cullen) Evans, ND Concerned about peanut allergy in your child? Having a child that is at high-risk for food allergies can be one of the most terrifying experiences for parents. An [...]
Thinking About Measles?
Dr. Tamara Evans, ND It’s been on everyone’s lips this past month…”How concerned should we be about the measles outbreak that originated in California last [...]