5 Yoga Poses for Spring Cleaning
Dr. Jill Hoffman, ND As the ground thaws and hibernating seeds send up their shoots, so liver, a primary organ of detoxificationtoo are we ready
Dr. Jill Hoffman, ND As the ground thaws and hibernating seeds send up their shoots, so liver, a primary organ of detoxificationtoo are we ready
Dr. Jill Hoffman, ND For those of you living in a four season climate, these winter months can feel like an endless ice-age of darkness
Dr. Jill Hoffman, ND We as a culture are in full swing of an epidemic of sleeplessness. We don’t sleep enough and we certainly don’t
Dr. Jill Hoffman, ND Ask a few People who Practice Yoga what Yoga is and why They do it and You’ll get a few Different
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Jill Hoffman, ND, RYT 200, is a naturopathic doctor with a private practice in Philadelphia, PA, where she is also a yoga teacher. In addition