Dr. Meera Dossa, ND

No morning in my household ever begins without a nutrient dense Power Punch Smoothie! I pack in as much nutrition as is humanly possible, to make sure that and my big guy (my husband) and I fill up our nutritional tanks with an energy reservoir for the day.

On one of my recent grocery store expeditions, I discovered actual turmeric root! Being of Indian ancestry, ground turmeric has been a staple in my home cooking, so I have a never ending supply of it in my spice cupboard. But I have never been able to get my hands on the actual root. That is, until recently! And what a discovery it has been! I’ve been experimenting with it and have really enjoyed its addition to my morning smoothies. So before I hand over that delicious concoction, here are a few of the therapeutic benefits of this impressive superfood.

FEELIN’ HOT, HOT, HOT!36946763_l

Inflammation. This is a term that has almost a direct correlation with the aging process. The older we get, the more we are susceptible to sensations of pain. Pain is one of the cardinal features of inflammation, a process by which the body attempts to rid itself of bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders. So overall, not a bad process to occur. However, we must remember that it is a response to an irritation. And when the irritation is constant and becomes chronic, it is the stepping stone for other disease processes to develop, such as: Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, a host of autoimmune conditions and other chronic health conditions.

Our modern day Western diet filled with saturated fats, processed foods and chemicals is a trigger for our bodies to produce an inflammatory response. There are particular foods that can douse the inflammatory flames and there are others that can tip the scales further to the side of inflammation.

Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is a known and potent anti-inflammatory. It contains numerous anti-inflammatory compounds known as COX-2 Inhibitors and is a safe and effective addition to any diet as a means to reduce pain and inflammation.


Much research has shown the promising effects of turmeric for cancer prevention and treatment. It is thought to inhibit angiogenesis, the process by which tumours are able to build vasculature to increase the blood supply to the growing tumour.


Now, I’m really aging myself with this slogan! Who doesn’t remember those signature Oil of Olay ads from the late ’80s and early ’90s? The message was targeted at every aging women’s weak spot: wrinkles.

Lines and wrinkles form over the course of years as a result of free radical activity. Free radicals are produced internally as a result of the ingestion of chemical laden foods, breathing polluted air, smoking, running high blood sugar levels and consuming excess amounts of alcohol. This list isn’t by any means exhaustive.

Antioxidants are known to quench free radicals in our bodies and decrease our internal burden. Lucky for us, turmeric is a potent antioxidant! So instead of slathering chemicals onto your oh so delicate face, why not just throw turmeric into your daily routine! It’s fast, easy and inexpensive!

So the next time you are making the rounds at the grocery store, look out for this member of the ginger family and add it to your daily routine…you won’t regret it!


Serves 2


  • 3 fistfuls of organic kale or spinach
  • 1 fistful of frozen mixed berries – the darker the better as they will contain more antioxidants!
  • 1/8-1/4 fresh papaya
  • 1 inch of fresh turmeric root, skin removed
  • 1-2 tbsp. plain organic yogurt
  • 1 tbsp. ground flax seeds
  • 1 tbsp. ground chia seeds
  • 1 scoop of your choice of clean protein powder
  • 2 cups of filtered water

Blend and serve!

Pro Image Full Res-0976Dr. Meera Dossa is a licensed naturopathic doctor at Davisville Active Therapy. She is certified and licensed to perform parenteral therapy in the province of Ontario and has successfully met the requirements for the Standard of Practice in Therapeutic Prescribing. To book an appointment for naturopathic therapy, diagnostic testing, dietary assessment, or intravenous therapy, please contact Dr. Meera Dossa, ND at 647-705-1242 or [email protected].

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