Robyn Fritz, MA, MBA, CHt
No, this isn’t another piece on New Year’s resolutions. It’s on things to think about as you continue to build a wonderful life, to reflect on when the holidays are over and the darkest time of the year is upon us, deep winter.
We all want to live the best life possible, at home and at work. But what does that mean to you? What does it look like? I’ll offer a few thoughts here to get you started: try using a notebook or DVR for your thoughts.
In my work with clients I emphasize the importance of claiming our power. Power sappers are subtle: “synchronicity” and “it’s meant to be” are two of them. You give your power away when you simply accept what happens, without evaluating it and figuring out what went right, or wrong, and how to move on. So if you do nothing in the new year, determine to stand in your personal truth, to do what you believe is right, and keep track of what happens. Consider: what do you do when challenged? What do you think about afterwards? What approach best serves you in claiming your power?
While you’re being a powerful advocate for your own best interests, remember to also be discerning. We don’t always get our way in life: we do always need to know how and why events affect us, and how that reverberates in our community. We are our own community, first and foremost, complete within ourselves. Celebrate yourself. Practice gratitude: be grateful for each experience, because each one informs, enlightens, nourishes, and challenges you. Then create community in your family, with humans and with your animal companions, yes, but also with your spaces.
Expanding outward, create community and ritual within your larger network, from your neighborhood to your city, state, and country. How will you do all that this year? Where do you start? What resources are necessary? How do you measure success? Yes, idealism is sweet and even revolutionary, but don’t forget to be practical!
Claiming your power and creating community are tough acts. They require strong constitutions: life is brutal even as it’s fascinating and fun. Sure, eat right, sleep well, exercise, and play, but above all, monitor your energy. While the subject of “energy” is an article (or a book) in itself, the basic point is this: everything is made of energy, and energy is fluid. That means your energy can be affected by everyone (and everything) around you, so learn to manage your energy boundaries (or energy field), so you know when you are affecting your environment, and it is affecting you. Come home drained from work? Give too much away? Not good and completely inappropriate. I teach energy boundaries to professionals: it’s an important skill, and most people have no clue. Don’t be one of them: if you are, learn how to change. Now.
Finally, learn how to use your intuition. Yes, everybody’s intuitive, no exception. It’s just that some of us are better at using it than others, simply because it intrigued us and we learned it, just like others learn a foreign language or even how to cook! There are great books, classes, and teachers out there. Learn from them. And then turn around and teach them something new. Because you can.
Learning to become our best selves is really why we’re all here (okay, that and having fun). Growing our souls is how we do that, with practical skills, great ambition, and some klutziness along the way. As you sit and use these ideas to become even more remarkable next year, let your imagination soar! Winter is the time of year for new things to sleep and rest, to prepare for a fertile and productive spring. It’s a time to pause, reflect, plan, prepare. Dream big!
So go for it!
© 2016 Robyn M Fritz
Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt offers intuitive and spiritual consulting. A Certified Past Life Regression Specialist, she offers hypnotherapy, intuitive insight, spiritual counseling, shamanic services, and energy healing to help people create vibrant personal and professional lives. An award-winning author, she also is a psychic medium, animal communicator, and space clearing expert and teaches workshops and gives talks on intuitive development. Find her services and events at her website: RobynFritz.