Post Election Stress: Helpful Homeopathic Remedies

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Dr. Emily Chan ND 

Worried About Your World? Homeopathic Remedies for Political, Social Justice and Ethical Related Stressors.

We’ve just had the most talked about presidential election in the US. Many of my patients have been very stressed about their world and future. Some types of people don’t really care about the news or what’s going on around them. Some people on the other hand feel, the weight of the world just as strongly as if it was their close relative having serious problems in life. For those who feel the stress of the world on their shoulders, this stress can slowly eat away at their energy levels, sense of peace and health.

Why Does It Need to Feel So Close to Home?

Do you like to do a lot of reading and research? Were you easily upset during this election process? Do you feel somewhat on edge and that your world is not safe?

The reason these events are affecting you is partly related to your nervous system ability to manage stress. It is not just the exterior events. It is the author’s opinion to pay attention, be responsible citizens, and take your due part. However, not let your emotional charge about issues that are beyond your control, take a negative toll on your health and emotional well-being.

Often patients who come from families where they felt like they had to be the adult very early on in life tend to be the ones more affected by world issues or the news. They may have felt like they had to hold the family together as a kid, and the environment where they grew up was out of control. So they are very good at controlling as much of their life as they can, so that they can feel some stability and safety.

These individuals are usually very well read, have gotten good grades in school and like to have their life in order. These are all great things. But when these individuals face issues that are outside of their control, it’s as if their world is crumbling on them. This can be the case when they cannot fix the politics of the world in which they live in.

Fight or flight response could be behind it.

Physiologically the fight and flight response is triggered because they don’t feel a sense of safety and start living in fear. Once that starts, the racing thoughts cannot stop and worries about the worst-case scenario occupy their internal thought life. After this goes on for a while, they may realize the stress and anxiety is getting in the way of their health. But they can’t stop thinking about it.

Why? Somehow the body is programmed in a way that it mistakes thinking about an issue as having more control over it. If they experience a lack of control over the circumstance, their subconscious thinks they are more responsible if they keep working out the problem in their mind. Unfortunately research shows that over 80% of what each person thinks a day is about the same thing. That is not very efficient and contains a lot of redundancy. Thinking and worrying about the same thing does not actually help solve the problem, but only stresses the body out.

The homeopathic remedies discussed today will be a great start to give a signal to the body to start releasing the stress. Homeopathics need to be matched accurately to each individual in order to work. Also the correct potency must be used to achieve the desired result, so it is important to consult a doctor when using them.

Homeopathic Remedies for Stress

Causticum (Bothered by Social Injustice)

  • Great sensitivity to injustice
  • Fights injustice/activist
  • World news and events feels very close to heart
  • Overwhelmed by sad stories or the news
  • Sensitive/Sympathetic
  • Sees dark side of things
  • Serious and intense personality
  • Idealistic Views
  • Hates authority. Self righteous
  • Anxiety
  • Fear something bad will happen
  • Nervous system/Nerve/Spine health problems

Arsenicum Album (Perfectionist who Worries a Lot)

  • Lack of safety
  • Feels vulnerable and insecure in this world
  • Fear of not having enough money
  • Fear of health issues or cancer
  • Need to research a lot or have lots of reassurance
  • Feels not cared for/abandoned
  • Better with good support system
  • Criticizes people, circumstances, irritable
  • Discontent, perfectionistic
  • Workerholic

screen-shot-2016-10-14-at-12-57-04-pmDr. Emily Chan ND received her doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. She is a board licensed naturopathic doctor and founder of Modern Integrative Medicine. She currently practices in San Diego, CA and consults around the world.

Dr. Chan specializes in chronic medical conditions that have an impaired body memory component to them. She integrates the immune/nervous system and physiological relationships in treating her patients. She is published in medical journals, and magazines. She is a speaker, and has presented at medical conferences training doctors, and has appeared on television. She also authors and teaches health, and body memory reprogramming courses. You can contact her at:

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