Can Cup of Coffee a Day Protect Your Liver?

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Current findings suggest that drinking at least a cup of coffee a day may not be dangerous to one’s health, but in fact it may contribute to preventing and lowering the risk associated with liver malignancy. Those individuals who drank at the least one cup a daily had a lower risk rate than those that only had coffee on occasion, not as part of their daily routine.

The study findings were to be considered preliminary until they were presented at the Annual meeting of the American Association of Cancer Researchers in San Diego and later published in a peer- reviewed medical journal.

The study was first conducted in the 1990s on approximately 180,000 adults of different ethnic backgrounds, to determine their coffee intake and understand how their routine of habit sitting down to drink the coffee would work to prevent or lower their risk associated with liver malignancy, as it was said to have been influenced by both genetic and socio-demographic factors. Study participants were followed for 18 years and investigators analyzed their coffee drinking routine throughout the years to correlate the aspect of their daily routine with the risk of diagnosis of the most common form of liver cancer.

Of the total number of patients who were assessed in the study population (N= 180,000) 498 patients were diagnosed with the malignancy. Those who drank more than 1-3 cups daily had a 29% less risk than those who drank 6 cups or less each week. There are limitations to the study and it doesn’t outline a direct link between coffee drinking and cancer, but, “it adds to the growing body of evidence that coffee might be associated with a lower risk of a number of cancers,” says Susan Gapstur, vice president of Epidemiology of the American Association of Cancer Research.

Source: WebMD, The American Association of Cancer Research.

To learn more about cancer prevention, visit

Author: Editor

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