Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt

We’re in the homestretch of the American 2016 election cycle and most of us are feeling tired, maybe exhausted, even downright sleazy and slugged. We’ve had enough, and yet we have one thing left to do.

We have to vote. So how do we do that and make it count? We keep ourselves energetically clear as we take the time to vote.

Voting is as much a business activity as any of our other duties as citizens and business professionals. To maintain successful practices, we need to do the things that keep us successful citizens, from obeying the law to expressing our opinion about how we want our government to serve us.

But in this campaign season many of us are simply appalled. We just want it to be over, and we may be tempted to steer clear of it by voting quickly, if at all.

But that won’t work for any of us because of how energy works. Let me explain.

Businesses only succeed if they cater to their clients. We know that as business professionals, but we seldom think of it in relation to our government. But the business of government is to serve its citizens. And it’s complicated.

Every time I mull over a ballot I’m amazed at how complex government is. I’m always worried that I’ll never know enough about either the issues or candidates to vote as wisely as I could if I had nothing else to do but attend to government. That’s impossible, so I do the best I can, and I expect government to do the rest. We all do.

That’s what every business does, if you think about it. I depend on the pet store to keep healthy food and fun toys on hand for my animal family, for my hairdresser to give me an acceptable haircut, for the electrician to know what he’s doing when the lights go out.

I depend on my government to make the laws and enforce them to the best of its ability.

The problem is, stuck energy gets in the way. As holistic care providers, we can all see this if we pull back and look at the overall situation. Or feel it, depending on how your intuition works. (While we’re all a combination of intuitive abilities, most of us are dominantly visual, audient, feeling, or knowing.)

Two Steps to Keeping Clear as Citizens

We’ve all heard that everything is energy, but what we forget is that we affect energy as it affects us. As we go about our day bits and pieces of our own energy field spin off and mingle in the spaces we visit and the people we meet, so we bring bits of our daily experience home with us. That includes what we see or hear on the news.

Sure, some people deal with this by ignoring the news, but that doesn’t solve the issue. Because the energy created by others, especially on the scale of a national election, is out there anyway, affecting us. And any time you see such divisiveness around you, you know that energy is stuck.

So here’s what you do.

Be aware of the flow of energy.

When you think of the current campaign, do you feel as if you’re trying to breathe underwater, can’t hear well, can’t quite “see” the people and issues, or just know that things aren’t flowing well? These are all ways your intuition can be alerting you to stuck energy. To fine-tune your intuition, you have to work at understanding how your intuition works and informs you of what’s happening in your environment, so you can find ways to deal with it.

Stuck energy can feel dense, dirty, and heavy, or leave you feeling tired, bored, uneasy, or angry or disgusted. Sound like the 2016 campaign to you?

Clear yourself energetically before you vote.

As you sit down to go over your voter pamphlet, try a ritual to clear yourself. Light a candle, close your eyes and take a deep cleansing breath, do whatever feels right to you in the moment to make yourself as clearheaded as possible.

An easy clearing technique is to sweep your hands across your body, left to right. As you do a sweep, shake your sweeping hand as if you’re flinging the stuck energy into a fire, where it can burn up and be harmless, or even into a small bowl of sea salt you have put out for that. If you actually use salt, remember to flush it down the sink afterwards, so all that energy flows out of your space.

One final suggestion: try a sure-fire technique to keep yourself and the world energetically clear.

The next few weeks are simply a microcosm of your daily life. All of us will always face stuck energy. And most of us will always want to help stuck energy clear, for ourselves and the world around us. After all, we’re all healers. So here’s a technique taught to me by a genuine, 100% real goddess, as in, yes, goddess (I know, I had a hard time believing it myself).

Clear yourself and the world with a simple intention and focus. Here you go:

  • Take a deep breath, and release it.
  • Set an intention, as in, “I am clearing stuck energy in myself and the world for the 2016 election.”
  • Cup your hands in front of your mouth, breathe into your hands (which breathes energy into them), and turn them palms out, offering the energy to the world (or the election process).
  • Again, cup your hands in front of your mouth, breathe into your hands, and then put your hands on your chest. This brings clear energy back into your body.

Feeling better? Now, go out and vote.

And let me know how these suggestions and techniques work for you.

RobynRobyn M Fritz MA MBA is an intuitive coach, author, and radio host. She offers animal communication, mediumship, soul progression clearing, and space clearing services internationally and teaches intuitive workshops. Upcoming classes on intuition and energy boundaries are at Bastyr University May 14-15, 2016. Her website: Alchemy West.


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