Publisher of NDNR and NaturalPath Interviewed on Radio Show “Empowering Women”

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Inspiring Women Through Action

Razi Berry | Publisher NDNR and NaturalPath

Scottsdale, AZ (Feb 25th, 2015) – Publisher Razi Berry of Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (NDNR) and NaturalPath (, was interviewed February 25th on Empowering Women. Hosted by Tara Alves Zontanos and David Isaac, Empowering Women is produced by Breakthrough Thinking Broadcasting Network, a unique & powerful radio show designed to help people “Breakthrough” their self imposed limitations in life, business & sports.

During the interview, Razi Berry shared her moving story on how she came to naturopathic medicine and chronicled the creation of both NDNR and NaturalPath.

Struggling with crippling fibromyalgia at the young age of 25, Razi Berry shares how naturopathic medicine saved her from a life riddled with pain and inspired her to advocate for the profession. Through NDNR, she was able to give voice to an emerging profession, creating the leading clinical information resource for naturopathic physicians in North America. Today, NDNR serves as a dynamic voice for the advancement of naturopathic medicine by informing and educating physicians in the recent developments of the practice of natural medicine. NDNR includes current protocols, practice management, business development, marketing, clinical research, news and more.

She reminds us that no matter what ails us, or limits our potential, we can achieve our dreams. This year NDNR celebrates 10 years of publication and introduces NaturalPath, a website dedicated to sharing to benefits of naturopathic medicine and helping the public find their personal path to health and wellness.

Listen to Razi Berry’s full interview on Empowering Women at:

(Interview Starts at 16 min)

Audio Source:

02/25/2015 Empowering Women with special guest Razi Berry


Author: Editor

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