A meta-analysis of studies done in Caucasian, Asian and mixed populations finds associations between vitamin C intake and the reduced risk of pancreatic cancer. Research is showing a strong need for more concrete correlational dose-dependent research into vitamin C and the use in the prevention of pancreatic cancer.

The data analyzed from 17 selected studies showed that in 8 of the studies there was a statistically significant association with the reduced risk of pancreatic cancer with vitamin C intake. The reduced risk found in these studies appeared to show a dose-dependent relationship with the higher intake doses associated with the least risk.

It has long been know that vitamin C plays a large role when it comes to antioxidants in the body. It not only protects the cells from oxidative damage to DNA, but it can also play a role in the reduction of inflammation found in the body. It is hypothesized that this reduction of inflammation caused by vitamin C intake is the key mechanism of the reduced progression of pancreatic carcinogenesis.

Pancreatic cancer is the 4th most common cause of cancer death in North America, largely due to the fact that it discovered in its late stages leading to a poor prognosis. In fact, the 5-year survival rate is only 4-5%. With this being such a deadly cancer any reduction in the risk of developing this can provide a huge positive impact population-wide.

To learn more about cancer prevention, visit thecancersummit.com

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