Natural News

Midlife Weight Gain Linked to Early Mortality

Razi Berry A new Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) study finds that changes in weight between young adulthood and midlife may have important consequences for a person’s risk of early death. Changes in weight between young adulthood and midlife may have important consequences for a person’s risk of early death Published in JAMA

Natural News

We are Literally Becoming Plastic

Razi Berry Plastic pollution of land, water and air is a global problem. Even when plastic bags or water bottles break down to the point at which they are no longer an eyesore, tiny fragments can still contaminate the environment. Animals and humans can ingest the particles, with uncertain health consequences. Now, scientists report that

Natural News

Smiling Does Change How the World Responds to You

Razi Berry  From Sinatra to Katy Perry, celebrities have long sung about the power of a smile — how it picks you up, changes your outlook, and generally makes you feel better. But is it all smoke and mirrors, or is there a scientific backing to the claim? Groundbreaking research confirms that the act of

Love Is Medicine Podcast 117: Proof Of Heaven: A Near Death Experience w/ Dr. Eben Alexander
Love is Medicine Podcast

117: Proof Of Heaven: A Near-Death Experience w/ Dr. Eben Alexander

Dr. Eben Alexander spent over 20 years as a renowned academic neurosurgeon, before waking up one morning with horrible back pain. Within 3.5 hours Dr. Alexander had slipped into a coma, that would take him away from this world for 7 days. When Dr. Alexander returned, his ability to regain his knowledge from this world, and the world he had experienced while unconscious, shocked medical professionals and the world alike.

Natural News

Advocating Looking More into Hedonism’s Role in Happiness

Razi Berry Relaxing on the sofa or savoring a delicious meal: Enjoying short-term pleasurable activities that don’t lead to long-term goals contributes at least as much to a happy life as self-control, according to new research from the University of Zurich and Radboud University in the Netherlands. The researchers therefore argue for a greater appreciation

Natural News

Fasting for Weight Loss, How Long?

Razi Berry Two daily fasting diets, also known as time-restricted feeding diets, are effective for weight loss, according to a new study published by researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago. First human clinical trial to compare effects of two popular forms of time-restricted feeding on body weight and cardiometabolic risk The study reported

Love Is Medicine Podcast 116: The Paleo Cardiologist w/ Jack and Heather Wolfson
Love is Medicine Podcast

116: The Paleo Cardiologist w/ Jack and Heather Wolfson

Jack and Heather Wolfson couldn’t have been raised more differently. Jack, a board-certified cardiologist, was brought up on the conventional understanding of pharmaceuticals and surgery. It wasn’t until he met Heather, a licensed chiropractor, that he began to understand the power of natural and holistic medicine. Together they have grown as a couple and as doctors, and are here today to open your eyes to the possibility of holistic practices.

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