Did you know that your genetics can not only alter your physical and mental health, but they can also influence the way you experience the world? By understanding your genetic makeup you can identify the genes that may make taking good care of yourself a challenge, and find ways to become more self-aware. 

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Erika Gray is a PharmD, co-founder of Toolbox Genomics, and passionate about optimizing your health by targeting your genetic makeup. Everything from the air you breathe to the food you eat can impact your genes, which is why Erika is here to help you understand your different epigenetic marks and methylation islands. 

The role of your genetics in your health, wellbeing and life experience has been studied for years, but the benefits of this research are only recently coming to the surface. Today Erika is here to help you understand the science behind your genes and help you find a way to make your body work with you. 

Everything from privacy practices, to the power of nutrition and the role of Artificial Intelligence in biochemistry, is on the table today as Erika gives you a full look into the magnificent field of epigenetics. Are you ready to gain insight into the window of who you really are? Share your thoughts on the power of your genes with us in the comments below. 

In This Episode

  • Gain an understanding of methylation and the influence it can have on your health
  • Why you should acknowledge and optimize your genetics when having children
  • Actionable ways that you can support your genetic function and expression 
  • Steps that you can take to feel better, limit stress and improve your microbiome
  • How to nurture and nourish yourself from the cellular level and outward
  • A look into the specific privacy guidelines when it comes to genetic testing


“The body uses these methyl groups, and it puts it on and off the DNA, and it’s just a way for it to regulate what is copied, and it’s a way for us to potentially support our health even more.” (6:19)

“Now we know how we can help ourselves and we can help future generations, which is an amazing gift that we can give to our children and grandchildren.” (11:07)

“This ability for us to take that look inside of us and really look at our reference guide to ourselves when we do genetic testing is an opportunity to arm ourselves with wonderful information so that we just make better choices.” (19:26)

“It’s not an innocent thing when we say ‘go outside and be outside and really get some sunshine’ because it matters! It actually has a huge role in our health, our wellbeing, and how we can perceive the world.” (28:27)

“This is who I am, and this is okay, and I am going to take these supplements and I am going to eat these foods and get the sleep and go outside, that’s really really ways that we are sending signals to our body that we love ourselves.” (30:51)


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