093: Creating Happiness From The Inside Out w/ Margie Bissinger

Margie Bissinger is a physical therapist, integrative health coach, and happiness expert and trainer. Margie works with her clients to remove pain and embrace happiness habits so that they can increase their happiness set point and create happiness from the inside out.

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Happiness is not dependent on your circumstances or success, but it is an inward job. Everything from your environment to your genetics can play a role in your happiness level, and it is only by embracing happiness habits that you can create an inner state of peace and wellbeing. 

80% of the average person’s thoughts are negative, and it is up to you to rewire, look for and magnify the good in every situation, and find the inner strength to move on and forgive. Gradually changing the way you think and view the world can relieve the constant presence of negativity in your life and help you focus on your happiness regardless of the circumstances. 

Your happiness can drive everything from the health of your bones to your level of satisfaction with your life. It is necessary to take your happiness seriously and practice the happiness habits that Margie provides today so that you can start to put your happiness pillars first. 

What drives your happiness? Head on over to the episode page and let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 


In This Episode

  • Understanding your unique happiness set point and how to raise it higher
  • How to work on your happiness habits and speed up your happiness journey
  • The role your environment and epigenetics play in your happiness level
  • Suggestions to help you build up your own positivity and magnify the good
  • The power of sending happiness wishes to others to improve your own happiness



“So many people think happiness depends on your circumstance. I’ll be happy when I have that bigger house, when I have a different job, when the kids are out of the house when I get this divorce. Whatever it is, so many people think that it’s our circumstances that determine our happiness, but it so far from the truth.” (6:28)

“When you are in an environment of negativity and things aren’t going right and the pain is overwhelming and you are sort of swarming in the negative, it is very very hard to heal. So when you can start a foundation of what is going right, the healing can begin.” (12:51)

“Not forgiving someone is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die.” (22:40)

“When good happens, absorb it, take it in for 20 seconds.” (37:35)

“That’s the good news, you can rewire this, it’s not set in stone, it’s gradual.” (39:05)



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Margie’s Happy Me, Happy Life Online Happiness Program

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Razi Berry
Author: Razi Berry

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