Ritamarie Loscalzo is living proof of the profound capability of our bodies to heal itself. The founder of The Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology, Doctor of Chiropractic, herbal medicine coach and much more, Ritamarie is passionate about using nature to restore and balance your body.

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The high levels of sugar in our modern world is having a disastrous impact on our health, and Ritamarie is here to show you how you can use nature and food to balance your blood sugar. The signs of blood sugar regulation deficiencies are prominent in those with health challenges, but yet modern medicine has still not addressed these root causes. Ritamarie is passionate about sharing this information and helping others understand this hormone called insulin so that you can prevent chronic health struggles in your future. 

Sugar is not your friend, but giving it up doesn’t mean saying goodbye to things that taste good. In this episode, you will learn about the energy currency of your body, the connection between sugar and diseases such as diabetes or Alzheimers, and why you should be caring about your sugar intake as a way to preserve your natural state.

Just like love, food is medicine. And it is only by understanding what is going on inside your body that you can begin to give yourself what you need to heal. Everything you need to know about insulin and blood sugar is covered by Ritamarie so that you can understand the role of sugar in your body and work to reverse your insulin resistance. 

Have you ever thought about the connection between body composition, blood sugar, and your hormones? Share what you learned in this episode with us in the comments below. 


In This Episode

  • Learn how your blood sugar and insulin hormone can play a role in your health
  • The problems of excess insulin and the effect it has on your body and brain
  • Understanding the correlation between body composition, health, and chronic disease 
  • Explore the dangers of taking too much insulin and why sugar is not your friend
  • Signs and symptoms that you should be looking out for in relation to your blood sugar



“This hormone called insulin is actually kind of a master hormone, and it can control the expression of every other hormone, the receptors for every other hormone, the digestive tract, the brain, the heart, and the lungs, everything can be impacted by imbalances in blood sugar and the hormone called insulin.” (4:07)

“It’s not about body shaming, it’s about knowing that the outwards signs are an indication.” (11:57)

“It’s very important that we keep this in mind and that we teach people early on that sugar is not your friend, as tasty as it is, its not your friend.” (14:00)

“I healed myself and I decided this has to be out there. Why weren’t doctors knowing about this? Why weren’t doctors aware that what you eat, what you think, how you breathe, the air you breathe, all have an effect on your health?” (23:13)

“Every choice you make about what you put in your mouth and the air fresheners you use and the kind of rugs and things like that that you use in your home, all of those choices matter, and it is a cumulative effect.” (29:40)



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