The Safe Use of Essential Oils with Medications: Part II

Dr. Sarah LoBisco, ND @DrLoBisco As essential oils become an increasingly popular wellness tool, it’s important to consider how incorporating them into mainstream medicine can be done safely. For most, it is comforting to know, that when used as intended and with common sense, the documented safety of essential oils is impressive. However, the combining […]
Essential Oils & Medication Interactions: 4 Important Considerations

Dr. Sarah LoBisco, ND @DrLoBisco One of the major principles of medicine is to “First Do No Harm.” Accordingly, naturopathic doctors will respect the body’s innate ability to heal and will seek to use the least invasive means, at the minimal effective dose, in order to support this renewal process.1 One of the wellness tools […]
Common Sense Essential Oils Safety Rules 101

Dr. Sarah LoBisco, ND @DrLoBisco There are a lot of conflicting opinions on essential oil safety. Here, I review some of the main reasons for the controversy and discuss the safety of using quality and standardized essential oils. The Factors In Safety of Oils Quality counts One of the main reasons why there is so […]