Dr. Ashley Burkman, ND

This super simple omega-3 packed recipe is great to spread on toast or to use a dessert recipe. I am lucky enough to have a very abundant plum tree in my back yard that has pushed me to pursue innovative ways to preserve them!

image2Chia seeds

Chia seeds are called a super food for their many health benefits. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids they help to reduce inflammation and support brain health. Their high fiber content support balanced cholesterol and improve bowel habits. Chia seeds are also gluten free!


Plums are chocked full of antioxidants and vitamin C that support healthy cells and immune system. They are also very well known for their digestive support, acting as a bulking agent to promote regularity.


  • About 3 cups diced pitted plums
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • Organic honey to taste

Instructions:image1 (1)

  • Heat plums in saucepan covered with about ½ cup water for about 15 minutes
  • Mix in chia seeds and let cool
  • Add honey until jam is of adequate sweetness (organic cane sugar can be used in lieu of honey)
  • Spoon jam into small glass jars, refrigerate for minimum of 3 hours to thicken
  • Can be refrigerated up to 1 week
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