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To The Sugar-Free Summer Challenge
Episode 6
Jody Stanislaw, ND, CDE Certified Diabetes Instructor
Dr. Stanislaw will present on how added sugars impact insulin, insulin resistance and both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The emphasis of her interview will help us understand how nutrition, quality plant-based food, good protein sources, and healthy fat impacts optimal blood sugar levels.
Jody Stanislaw, ND, CDE
Dr. Jody Stanislaw received her doctorate degree in Naturopathic Medicine in 2007 from Bastyr University, in Seattle, Washington. Having lived with type 1 diabetes since the age of 7, helping others with diabetes is her passion. From her own 30+ years of personal experience, she has learned vital information that most patients and physicians have never learned. Dr. Stanislaw is an expert at how to achieve the very complicated skill of gaining healthy blood sugar control, as well as how to reduce the risk of the potentially devastating complications of high blood sugar levels, using natural remedies. Via her virtual practice, she has helped hundreds of patients with type 1 diabetes around the world lower their A1c, adopt healthier eating habits, and live a happier and healthy life to a degree they’ve never before been able to achieve. The breadth and depth of her knowledge for how to live a long and healthy life with type 1 diabetes is unparalleled.
To schedule a complimentary consult to learn about options for working with her: www.Consultwithdrjody.com/type1
For her free gift, How to Live a Happy and Healthy Life with Diabetes: diabetesbundlegift.viprespond.com
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