A Doctor’s Own Home Care Regimen for Colds and Flu
Sarah Cimperman, ND We don’t like to admit it, but even doctors get sick. And many of us are terrible patients, so we often elect
Sarah Cimperman, ND We don’t like to admit it, but even doctors get sick. And many of us are terrible patients, so we often elect
Dr. Ashley Burkman, ND Vaginal yeast infections are annoying and uncomfortable. When vaginal yeast infections become chronic, 4 or more infections in 12 months, it
Dr. Pamela Frank, BSc (Hons), ND Most women experience it at least once in their lifetime: that itching, burning, irritated and white chunky discharge that
SAN FRANCISCO – Eating habits, mood and the path towards obesity may not be in the hands of the individual, but rather are dictated by
SAN FRANCISCO – Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco have discovered that vaginal secretions contain a molecular structure made by common bacterial species
SLIDESHOW: All moms know the anguish of having a sick child and feeling helpless in treating whatever is wrong. But if moms keep the following natural