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Razi and Brian Copy for Affiliates

Email #1 Leading to Quiz

Subject Line:  [Quiz] The WHY of Sugar Addiction.

When it comes to sugar addiction, companies know how to exploit their consumers into buying more of their product, and they do it with one of the most addictive substances in the world: SUGAR. Invest just 2 minutes and take the “Sugar Addiction Quiz” created by my good friends, Razi Berry and Dr. Brian Mowll.

Did you know that sugar is hidden in what we eat (and drink) with over 89 different names?

And even more tricky, it can addict us in more than one way.

And, to make it more difficult, you may be a combination of more than one “hook” … but there is hope. You can learn how to break the cycle for you and your family and minimize your family’s risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even cancer by eliminating sugar… once and for all.

Click here for the fast 12-question “Sugar Addiction Quiz” and discover the root cause of you sugar addiction and end cravings for good!

This simple quiz is a new starting point.  

Here’s to your best health and sweet life.

No sugar added.


PS: Did you know that sugar has no nutritional value at all?  Nothing.  No vitamins, no minerals, no enzymes, no fiber.  And it is more addictive than cocaine. Want to know more? Click here for some powerful info, starting with The Sugar Addiction Quiz.



Email #2 Leading to Quiz

Subject Line:  Help: Sugar Quiz – 12 ?s

Can I give you some powerful info on sugar addiction?

After you take 12-question “Sugar Addiction Quiz” created by my friends Dr. Brian Mowll and Razi Berry, you will get some powerful information on this topic.  

First, if you can’t figure out where to begin, it’s probably because there’s more than one way you’re hooked….

(Yes, you can become addicted in more than one way.)


… But there is hope. You can learn how to break the cycle for you and your family and minimize your family’s risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even cancer by eliminating sugar… once and for all.

Click here and get started with their super fast “Sugar Addiction Quiz.”

Let my good friends, Dr. Brian Mowll and Razi Berry give you some powerful info on cutting the cravings and stopping the sugar.

You CAN have a life and a family that is healthy, joyous and NOT addicted.
This is your starting point.

Here’s to your best health and sweet life.

No sugar added.



PS: Did you know that sugar has no nutritional value at all?  Nothing.  No vitamins, no minerals, no enzymes, no fiber.  And it is more addictive than cocaine. Want to know more? Click here for some powerful info, starting with The Sugar Addiction Quiz.



Affiliate Email Leading to eBook

Subject:  Book Giveaway!

I’m so excited!  My wonderful friend, Razi Berry just finished her eBook on The Great Sugar Conspiracy – and she’s GIFTING it to you!  Just click here.

Razi and I want you to know one thing:  Without a doubt, sugar addiction robs our youth, steals our years and ruins lives… yours AND your families.  Even your kids.  Our children are suffering from higher levels of diabetes, obesity, and sugar addiction than ever before.

… and it’s hard to stop it with a huge corporate machine hiding it behind 89 new names and pouring it down their throats at every turn…

But this CAN be changed… Razi’s book is FULL of the information desperately needed.

It covers how sugar can addict us in more than one way…. And how it’s not your fault!

And, to make it more difficult, you may be a combination of more than one “hook” … but there is hope. You can learn how to break the cycle for you and your family and minimize your family’s risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even cancer by eliminating sugar… once and for all.

Click here to get your copy of Razi’s book at no cost.  

Here’s to your best health and sweet life.

No sugar added.


PS:  It’s time to change the game and take back our power.  Let us help.
Sign up for Razi’s upcoming Q&A webinar with Dr. Brian Mowll (creator of The Diabetes Summit) and send in YOUR questions or story.



Affiliate Webinar Invite Email

Subject:  VIP Invite [Sugar: The Dirty Lies]

Did you know that food manufacturers spend tens of millions of dollars defeating initiatives and lobbying our leaders to protect their interest – and pouring money into so-called “research studies” to deceive and confuse you – because the bottom line is not about people…

… it is the profit margin.  And you are for sale.

How do you begin to know and influence THAT machine??? Or even just feed your own family safely?

Let us help. Please join my good friends, Razi Berry and Dr. Brian Mowll for a private Q&A webinar to answer your questions on ending sugar addiction.  

It’s time to change the game and take back our power.

Here’s to your best health and sweet life.

No sugar added.


PS: The Q&A Webinar on Ending Sugar Addiction is offered at NO cost.
Just click here and you can even send in your questions or story or situation.

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