
Fertility, Fiore

Taking a Break: Fertility and Lifestyle for the IVF Patient

Dr. Judith Fiore, ND In the midst of the complex world of medical fertility treatment, natural conception can seem to be something that was tried and can never be attempted again. For many couples, there is a feeling of “been there, done that” when asked about conceiving without medical help, and during an IVF cycle […]

Fertility, Girolamo

Fertility Enhancement as You Age

Dr. Donata Girolamo, ND @DonataGirolamo Many women are delaying having kids due to “career priorities, advanced education, control over fertility, financial concerns, late and second marriages, and infertility”.1 Often, women start to feel pressure from medical professionals, family, and friends, telling them that it’s all downhill for fertility from 35 and on. I see many women

Fertility, Habib

The Effects of Smoking on Fertility

Dr. Chris Habib, ND  Assisted by Naturopathic Medical Graduates Emily Rotella, Maria Wong, Natalia Ytsma, and Sara Mohammed Butting out the Spark before it has a Chance to Ignite Cigarette smoke can alter one’s ability to not only conceive but to also carry a fetus to term. Smoking has been shown to have significant detrimental effects

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