
herbs, Williamson

Herb of the Day: St. John’s Wort

Dr. Jennifer Williamson, ND St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is one of my favorite plants to show kids. Firstly, the leaves have translucent pinpoint circles in them which you can see when you hold up to the light. The second interesting aspect is that if you crush a leaf between your fingers, you will get […]

herbs, Williamson

Herb of the Day: Chicory

Dr. Jennifer Williamson, ND This flower commonly seen on roadsides, is Chicory (Cichorium intybus). The root is used similarly to Dandelion in that it can help alleviate liver congestion, increase bile movement, and therefore help the bowels to move more easily. Also like dandelion, it can be used like a coffee substitute when the roots

herbs, Williamson

Herb of the Day: Red Clover

Dr. Jennifer Williamson, ND Red Clover (Trifolium praetense) is the state flower of Vermont! The flowers are a favorite for bees (honeybees our are state insect) and if consumed you can taste the subtle sweetness that will be concentrated into honey. You can make it as an infusion (tea) or take it as a tincture.

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