Pain Medicine, Sanders

6 Functional Foods for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dr. Kimberly Sanders, ND @_drkimsanders Rheumatoid arthritis is defined as inflammation of the joints caused by an autoimmune reaction. This means that the immune system is attacking itself, which causes pain, swelling, and deformity of the fingers, wrists, toes, and other joints. The inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis can also impact the heart and cause heart […]

Fertility, Habib

The Effects of Smoking on Fertility

Dr. Chris Habib, ND  Assisted by Naturopathic Medical Graduates Emily Rotella, Maria Wong, Natalia Ytsma, and Sara Mohammed Butting out the Spark before it has a Chance to Ignite Cigarette smoke can alter one’s ability to not only conceive but to also carry a fetus to term. Smoking has been shown to have significant detrimental effects

Natural News

Slideshow: Herbs That Help You Quit Smoking

Smoking is a killer. We all know this, but how many of us are so addicted to it we can’t seem to stop – not to mention how costly all the commercial remedies are. With about one third of all cancer deaths and a quarter of fatal heart attacks in the United States being attributed


Communion With the Vis

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley I NEED TO LET GO, GET IT ON, GO FOR IT AS FULLY AS I WANT. I get this through dance and most any type of workout. Dance allows me to self express in ways I don’t experience in anything else. It is a living meditation for me. I remain

Detox, Nelson

Liver Cleansing and Detoxification

Dr. Katy Nelson, ND There is a famous radio talk show entertainer with Master’s degrees in medical botany and medical anthropology, and a PhD in epidemiology and nutrition sciences who nevertheless laughs at people who talk about “detoxification”. I confess to be confused by this. The liver is the organ of detoxification and chemical transformation.

Body, Kruzel

Animal and Insect Bites & Stings

Dr. Thomas Kruzel, ND The bites and stings of insects or animals more commonly occur in the spring, summer and early fall due to the larger number of insects which are present and the increase in out of door activities. Bee stings are probably the most common bites encountered and can be problematic in individuals

Natural News

Slideshow: Top 7 Plant-based Proteins

Protein is an essential nutrient our bodies need to function, but just how much do we need and where do we find it, especially if we don’t consume animal protein? Medical experts say the daily dietary protein intake can be calculated by dividing our weight in pounds by 2.2, and that will tell us how

Natural News

Kids With Head Lice Should be Allowed in School

ATLANTA, Ga. — Head lice infestations should no longer require the infected child be banned from school, according to new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The new guidelines were published online April 27 and in the May print issue of the journal “Pediatrics”. The new guidelines say “anecdotal reports from the 1990s estimated

Natural News

Brain to Blame for Diet Failure, not Self-control

CHEVY CHASE, Md. – If you’re having a tough time sticking to a diet, it isn’t your lack of self-control, it is how your brain is wired, according to scientists at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. According to them, there are neurons known as AGRP neurons that are responsible for hunger pangs. Blame them. Their

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