July 2017

Natural News

Use of Mind-Body Treatments in Children

A recent review article was published which gives an overview of 5 mind-body therapies which are supported by conventional literature to be used in pediatrics.1 Biofeedback, clinical hypnosis, guided imagery, meditation, and yoga were all accounted for as popular therapies for which there is growing evidence supporting their use in improving concentration, decreasing pain, and

Natural News

Yoga for Back Pain

A recent study found that yoga can be equally as beneficial for treating back pain as physical therapy.1 This is important research in light of recent changes to the American College of Physicians guidelines on treating low back pain, which recommends non-pharmaceutical intervention as first line treatment, listing yoga specifically as an option. The therapeutic

Aggarwal, Body, Experts

Sugar, Caffeine, and Your Adrenals

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, ND Sugar Surge and Spike Eating high amounts of simple sugars and carbohydrates, such as donuts, crackers, white bread, pastries, and sweets causes spikes of glucose in your blood. This forces your body to produce high amounts of insulin to remove the glucose from your blood and store it in your tissues as fat,

Natural News

Cycling to Work Can Improve Performance

A recent study showed that when cycling is utilized as a transportation method for commuting to work it lowers stress and increases work performance.1 The study compared the effects of cycling, driving, or using public transportation to work on stress, mood and work performance. It is generally accepted that physical exercise lowers stress, while improving

Natural News

The Power of Touch

A new study, looking at “interpersonal synchronization,” shows that when male partners touch their female partner’s hands during a painful experience, the pain is diminished.1 This could be an important role of fathers-to-be in the labor and delivery room (which was the motivation of the study), but also is insightful to how pain may be

Natural News

Breastfeeding Could Lower Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke for Moms!

A recent study shows supporting evidence that breastfeeding could impact the health of the mother in new ways; lowering stroke and heart attack risk.1 It is generally accepted that breastfeeding is superior to formula feeding of infants. After all, why else would mothers produce so much breast milk! It is the perfect mixture of protein

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