
Gang's all here: CBD Oil, Cannabis Essential Oil, and the Whole “Entourage”
Cannabis, Experts, LoBisco

Gang’s all here: CBD Oil, Cannabis Essential Oil, and the Whole “Entourage” (Part 1)

Sarah LoBisco, ND, IFCMP,(licensed in VT*) One of the hottest products on the market right now is CBD (cannabidiol) oil. This is not just based on brilliant marketing campaigns and the resultant consumer demand. The nationwide popularity of this “magical medical elixir” is due to several very good reasons; however, there are also some very important

Body, Cannabis, Streisfeld

The Cannabis Conundrum: to use or not to use cannabis?

Dr. Rob Streisfeld, ND The question on many a mind today That is the question many people are asking themselves these days. With an obvious increase in media attention, both traditional and social, the eyes of both health professionals and consumers alike are now opened to the numerous medicinal applications and general safety of this

Cannabis, Streisfeld

Cannabis: The “Gateway” Herb

Dr. Rob Streisfeld, ND @DocRob The documented and historical use of Cannabis as medicine goes back well over 5,000 years. While this factoid is quite significant, the modern conversation and potential applications for Cannabis in healthcare today has really just begun. The excitement around the potential applications being discovered thru research and increased scientific understanding

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