
Body, herbal, Kingsbury, Pediatrics

Herbal Cough Remedies for Kids

Dr. Sheila Kingsbury, ND, RH (AHG) It is a known fact, kids get coughs. Some can be very concerning but the vast majority of them are not. Coughs are generally caused by the post-nasal drip that drains down the back of the throat from congestion due to a viral cold. Infants under 6 months should be […]

Body, herbal

Boosting Your Child’s Immune System

Dr. Sheila Kingsbury, ND, RH (AHS) Our immune systems are a complex web of protective processes that help our bodies fight off viruses and bacteria, among other pathogens.  A child’s immune system from birth to about age 10, is still developing.  In order for the immune system to function properly it does actually have to

herbal, Mak

How to be Smart About the Herbal Products You Buy

Dr. Olisa Mak, ND Over the holidays, my friend and I went to a Christmas market. As we looked at and sampled an array of products ranging from gluten free cookies, handmade soaps, pashminas, to plants, I came upon this woman who was selling teas. She had simple teas with just a few types of

herbal, Swanz

Homeopathic Indications of a Few Common Herbs

Dr. Peter Swanz, ND, FHANP Remedies are Prescribed Homeopathically I commonly share with patients that remedies themselves are not homeopathic, they are prescribed homeopathically. A remedy sitting on the shelf is a potentized (diluted and succussed) preparation of most often an animal, mineral, or plant substance. The remedy is just a remedy until it is

herbal, Marciano

Nature’s Pharmacy- My Top 3 Herbs for Health

Dr. Marisa Marciano, ND Those that know me, know that I’m kind of a nerd about herbs. They know this because I like making a point of it at nearly every chance I get…in the hopes that it might start up a conversation, about herbs. You’re alive. I’m alive. Plants are alive. And it’s through our

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