
Body, Chan, Experts, Mind

Brain Fog: Figuring Out the Fog (Part 2)

Dr. Emily Chan, ND Breaking through Brain Fog Frustration Brain fog can be frustrating, keeping those who suffer from it from doing what they want to do. It takes so long to do something with a spacey brain. Sometimes increased anxiety, depression and fatigue also accompany brain fog making it difficult for those afflicted by […]

Chan, Connecting Mind and Body, Experts

Brain Fog: Figuring out the Fog (Part 1)

Dr. Emily Chan, ND What You May Not Realize: The role of the Hypothalamus and Amygdala Brain Fog: that feeling where you’re on autopilot with a fog misting your thinking. Or the sensations of feeling dumber than you were before. Perhaps there is frustration at how slow your mind works. You have difficulty processing information

Body, Chan, Experts

Do Critters in Your Gut Make You Anxious?

Dr. Emily Chan, ND How does the intestinal micro biota affect your mood? Learn the importance of addressing intestinal flora balance in treating anxiety. How can an organ so far away from your brain affect it so much? Well, it turns out that the bacteria in your intestinal tract help make neurochemicals. For example, 90%

Body, Chan, Experts

How To Test if you Have Inflammation in Your Gut

Dr. Emily Chan ND Are you experiencing some bloating, gas, stools that vary in consistency, and some occasional abdominal discomfort? It seems that your symptoms are worse after eating, but difficult to pinpoint what foods make it worse. Sometimes you eat one thing and sure it made you feel sick, but the next time you

Body, Chan, herbal

What Essential Oils to Use for Holiday Related Stress

Dr. Emily Chan, ND The holidays can sometimes act as a magnifying glass to amplify the stress you already have. In this article you’ll learn about a few essential oils you can use to give you some relief, or a bit more mojo. We will start with a real life scenario you can relate to

Chan, Mind

Post Election Stress: Helpful Homeopathic Remedies

Dr. Emily Chan ND  Worried About Your World? Homeopathic Remedies for Political, Social Justice and Ethical Related Stressors. We’ve just had the most talked about presidential election in the US. Many of my patients have been very stressed about their world and future. Some types of people don’t really care about the news or what’s

Body, Chan, Gastrointestinal Health

The One Molecule that Causes Leaky Gut

Dr. Emily Chan, ND  A leaky gut is not a good thing. For example, a leaking sewer pipe into our water supply is a problem. This article will discuss the one molecule that causes leaky gut. But before that, what symptoms does leaky gut cause? IBS Symptoms (including alternating loose stools and diarrhea) Gas/bloating Poor

Chan, Experts

Dr. Emily Chan, ND

Dr. Emily Chan ND received her doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. She is a board licensed naturopathic doctor and founder of Modern Integrative Medicine. She currently practices in San Diego, CA and consults around the world. Dr. Chan specializes in chronic medical conditions that have an impaired body memory component to them. She integrates the

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