

Slavery to Habit

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley Buddha taught, “Your habits bring you lower than your worst enemy would want.” Your bad habits rule you like a tyrant.  They confound your reason and paralyze your will.  Daily you trade them your beauty, youth, health, and relationships for short-term pleasure.  Day after day inexorably and inescapably they cause […]

Connecting Mind and Body, Cropley, Mind

Mind-body, a Functioning Whole

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley As we more thoroughly understand the inseparability of mind-body we will cease to question “if” our thoughts and feelings affect our physical health. We will come to recognize our thoughts and feelings and physical sensations, movements and functions as different expressions of our whole self. Never is any action performed

Connecting Mind and Body, Cropley

Your Advanced Eating Journal

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley Congratulations on your desire to learn even more about your relationship with food by keeping an advanced eating journal. As you progress with this study your journaling will focus more on you than on food; e.g. your energy level, internal dialogue, moods, friends, and hunger. All of these powerfully effect

Connecting Mind and Body, Cropley

Your Eating Journal

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley Congratulations on your desire to heal yourself. Keep in mind that you are learning to heal your illness by healing yourself. And to heal yourself requires that you understand yourself. Keeping an eating journal is one way to gain understanding about yourself. We will begin by observing primarily the quality

Connecting Mind and Body, Cropley

Heal Your Body by Talking to Yourself

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley Each of us longs deeply and authentically for a way to decrease our anxiety and misery. We constantly and incessantly yearn for some way to do good for ourselves. Even my patients steeped in self-hatred and self-loathing will readily acknowledge that their greatest longing is to be free of their


Communion With the Vis

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley I NEED TO LET GO, GET IT ON, GO FOR IT AS FULLY AS I WANT. I get this through dance and most any type of workout. Dance allows me to self express in ways I don’t experience in anything else. It is a living meditation for me. I remain

Connecting Mind and Body, Cropley

Meditation: What are Thoughts?

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Relax body and mind in a natural way. Notice your breath and allow several calm, full breaths. Begin observing your mind while, at the same time, remaining conscious of your breathing. After several minutes deliberately imagine yourself doing whatever you might be doing in another

Cropley, Experts

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND

Dr. Charley Cropley has been a practicing Naturopathic Doctor, teacher and author in the Boulder/Denver area since 1979. He has trained hundreds of doctors in his methods of nutrition and Self-Healing. He teaches a variety of courses and retreats, is author of numerous articles, several books, a blog and an array of audio and videos. He is a frequent lecturer
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