010: Self Esteem And Relationships w/ Razi Berry

When your partner or someone you love is going through a phase of depression, anxiety, stress or low self-esteem, it can often fall on us to feel as though we need to put together the pieces. This can lead to resentment in a relationship and can ultimately diminish the quality of life for both partners, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

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Today I am here to offer you advice on little things that you can do to make a huge difference in the way your partner feels, in the way you feel, and ultimately how to strengthen your bond through this hardship. Everything from living with a person to depression to how to empathetically listen without passing judgment is on the table today.

Little things can add up and make a huge difference in how both you and partner feel in your relationship. By understanding factors that contribute to low self-esteem, and what you can do to remove negative triggers from your life, you can better embrace your worth and live as the cherished heirloom that you are. Has other peoples opinions of you impacted your self-worth? Let me know in the comments.


In This Episode

  • How to be there for people in your life when they are suffering from low self-esteem
  • Offering invisible support that your partner may not be aware of
  • Being open about the changes in the dynamics of your relationship
  • Why the best way to feel good emotionally is to feel good physically
  • 10 questions to ask yourself to help improve your self-esteem



“When you are giving support to a partner during their time of depression or sadness or grief, you are allowing them to express their negative emotions” (5:53)

“As helpless as these times might seem, there are always ways you can help your partner and yourself in the long run” (8:23)

“It’s not about comparing yourself to other people, it should be about comparing yourself to the best version of yourself” (12:45)

“That is the golden key to building healthy self-esteem, knowing yourself intimately and honestly” (13:25)

Razi Berry
Author: Razi Berry

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