Natural News

Your Visual Attention Can Cost You Money When Shopping

Razi Berry Unplanned purchases are an important profit source for retailers. Because looking at products is always the first step in making a purchase decision, retailers apply various strategies in order to bring shoppers in juxtaposition with the store assortment. “Over the past decades, retailers have developed many sales strategies that focus on the visual […]

Natural News

Fathers Who Are Involved Can Lower Behavioral Issues and Improve Well-Being

Razi Berry In low-income families, fathers who are engaged in their children’s lives can help to improve their mental health and behavior, according to a Rutgers University-New Brunswick study published in the journal Social Service Review. The researchers found that adolescents in low-income families whose fathers are more frequently engaged in feeding, reading, playing and

Natural News

Kids Who Live Near Convenience Stores Gain More Weight

Razi Berry A new study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, published by Elsevier, found that changes in the food environment around low-income and high-ethnic/racial minority populations over time impact childhood obesity. Increased availability of small grocery stores selling a selection of healthy items in close proximity to children’s homes improves

Natural News

Obesity Lowers Immune Function as well as Increases Tumor Growth

Razi Berry Obesity has been linked to increased risk for over a dozen different types of cancer, as well as worse prognosis and survival. Over the years, scientists have identified obesity-related processes that drive tumor growth, such as metabolic changes and chronic inflammation, but a detailed understanding of the interplay between obesity and cancer has

Natural News

First Breath of Newborn Triggers Amazing Things in Brain

Razi Berry There are few moments in life as precious, as critical and as celebrated as baby’s first breath. New research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine sheds light on the lifelong changes in breathing systems that occur precisely with that first breath — and may offer important insights into Sudden Infant Death

Natural News

Study Links Math and Musical Ability

Razi Berry Music educator Martin J. Bergee thought that if he could just control his study for the myriad factors that might have influenced previous ones — race, income, education, etc. — he could disprove the notion of a link between students’ musical and mathematical achievement. Nope. His new study,”Multilevel Models of the Relationship Between

Natural News

The Three Most Impactful Ages of Alcohol Use on Brain Health

Razi Berry The evidence for the harmful effects of alcohol on brain health is compelling, but now experts have pin-pointed three key time periods in life when the effects of alcohol are likely to be at their greatest. Writing in The BMJ today, researchers in Australia and the UK say evidence suggests three periods of

Natural News

Parents: Don’t Worry About Baby’s Inconsistent Sleep

Razi Berry New parents often expect their baby to start sleeping through the night around the time they reach six months of age. But according to a new study led by McGill Professor Marie-Helene Pennestri, parents should view sleep consolidation as a process, instead of a milestone to be achieved at a specific age. Tracking

Natural News

Kids Need Five Hours of Science Per Week to Benefit

Razi Berry New research on middle-grades science teaching reveals that without at least 5 hours of instructional time dedicated to science during a typical school week, teachers are less likely to use the types of inquiry-based learning practices recommended by leading science and education professionals. Unlike traditional instruction, inquiry-based instruction approaches science learning through sustained

Natural News

Grow Food at Home for Healthier Children

Razi Berry Children grow taller in rural households where their mothers are supported to grow their own food — according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA). The research, which looked at households in low- and middle-income countries, showed growing their own food helped mothers to prevent stunting, wasting and underweight in

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