September 2016

Natural News

Rye Can Improve Symptoms Of IBS

(NaturalPath) New research, published in Wiley, has demonstrated that modified rye bread products helped to reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Many North Americans experience symptoms of an irritable bowel. These include abdominal pain and discomfort, diarrhea, bloating, and constipation, among others. Many foods can exacerbate these symptoms of IBS. FODMAPS, which are fermentable […]

Inspiration, Mind, Swanz

A Passion For Healthy Aging

Dr. Peter Swanz, ND, FHANP A few years back we welcomed a new puppy into our home. She is a beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback named Zola. When she first came to live with us, she weighed less than 10 lbs. Now she tips the scales around 75 lbs. Anticipating the possible destruction such a large and


The First Step to a Successful Holistic Business: Space Clearing (Part 2)

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA Series on space clearing for businesses In Part 1 of this series on space clearing for businesses I discussed why space clearing should be your first thought for maintaining and growing a successful holistic business. Yes, staffing and client attraction and retention are essential, but without a clear space, you

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