

Kaitlyn Zorn

Dr. Kaitlyn Zorn, HBSc., ND., is a Registered Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Guelph, Ontario, at Healing Foundations Naturopathic Clinic. Kaitlyn considers herself a general family practitioner, seeing a variety of concerns, however, has a keen interest in mental health (stress, anxiety & depression), hormonal imbalances (women’s health, adrenal & thyroid conditions) and digestive concerns (food […]

Chan, Experts

Dr. Emily Chan, ND

Dr. Emily Chan ND received her doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. She is a board licensed naturopathic doctor and founder of Modern Integrative Medicine. She currently practices in San Diego, CA and consults around the world. Dr. Chan specializes in chronic medical conditions that have an impaired body memory component to them. She integrates the

Experts, Parrish

Dr. Rosia Parrish, ND

Dr. Rosia Parrish, ND is a Naturopathic Doctor at Boulder Natural Health, offering naturally-focused medicine to treat most acute and chronic health conditions in a holistic way and specializes in food allergies and digestive issues including IBS, SIBO, gas, bloating, constipation, candida, skin conditions including acne, eczema, and psoriasis, pre-pregnancy detox and support, fertility and infertility, postpartum health, hormone

Aggarwal, Experts

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, ND

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal is a naturopathic doctor and psychotherapist (Gestalt, Family Constellations, EMDR) with years of experience treating physical issues, anxiety, stress, depression, abuse, relationship issues and also working with UNICEF, UN Staff, and other large organizations. Dr. Aggarwal focuses on healing the gut, liver, adrenal system and emotions together to optimize health and happiness.

Becker, Experts

Dr. Kendra Becker, ND

Dr. Kendra Becker is one truly integrated physician practicing for 10 years; She is Connecticut’s only “4A Specialist” (asthma, autism, allergies, atopy/eczema). She holds an ND degree from University of Bridgeport and MS, APRN from Sacred Heart University. She is board certified in both areas. Her specialties include MTHFR, fertility and treatment of “the 4As”

Berman, Experts

Dr. Deanna Berman, ND

Dr Deanna Hope Berman is a Vermont licensed Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and a New York State Certified Midwife.  She graduated from Bastyr University in 1997 and has been practicing in Ithaca, NY since 2002.  Dr Berman believes in creating a healthcare plan for each individual that is physically, emotionally and socially sustainable.  Dr Berman

Bean, Experts

Dr. Taylor Bean, ND

Dr. Bean is a Canadian Naturopathic Doctor and she provides complete healthcare by using alternative medicine for both you and your entire family. She is a mother of two little ones so is passionate about helping women with common pregnancy complaints and raising healthy babies. Learn more about Dr. Bean at or contact her at [email protected]   Dr.

Charney, Experts

Dr. Thalia Charney, MA, ND (inactive)

Dr. Charney (inactive) has been practicing Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto for the past 14 years. Based on her own personal health triumphs, her healing advice has always been firmly rooted in the old adage, Food Is Your Best Medicine. Although she has been pleased by the personal successes of her patients who have committed themselves

Experts, Krause

Dr. Angie Krause, DVM, CVA, CCRT

I’m Dr. Angie Krause, and my goal is to improve the health and longevity of dogs and cats with holistic medicine. My mission is to empower pet owners to become medical advocates for their pets. I love educating people to help make better life and medical choices for their animals. I believe strongly in the body’s innate ability

Athparia, Experts

Dr. Leena Athparia, ND

Dr. Leena Athparia is one of the few licensed naturopathic doctors in Toronto with extensive training in Ayurvedic Medicine.  Blending modern diagnostic tools with traditional systems, she treats the person as a whole, and uses Ayurvedic assessments to identify their unique constitution. With a strong focus in preventative medicine, Dr. Athparia emphasizes nutrition & lifestyle according to

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