
Food, Recipes

21 of the Best Grain Free Pasta Dishes

Everyone loves pasta. It’s classic comfort food, but for those of us with gluten intolerance, it can be anything but comforting. But worry not, my friends! You can still have a delicious, satisfying bowl of pasta without the grain. These delectable dishes are all paleo-friendly and can easily be adapted to suit your dietary needs. Enjoy! […]

Food, Recipes

18 Healthy Lunch Ideas (That Aren’t Salads)!

I hope your health goals are off to a great start this year! We’re well into the new year by now, and you might be a little burnt out on salads at this point. Here are some creative lunch ideas without a salad in sight! Hopefully you’ll be inspired to make your own nourishing creation that

Food, Recipes

4 Amazing Grain-Free Breakfasts

It’s time for some breakfast inspiration! All of these breakfast ideas are gluten-free, grain-free and absolutely delicious. Cutting out grains can be extremely beneficial to your health. Grains contain compounds called phytates that block the absorption of minerals, so eliminating grains is a simple way to boost your health. American breakfasts are so often based

Food, Recipes

Honey Lemon Detox Water

Boost your morning with this delicious honey lemon detox water. Hydrate and refresh your body by drinking this first thing in the morning. You might find you don’t even need to drink coffee anymore as this drink really wakes you up! To make it, follow these simple steps: Fill a tall glass with warm water Squeeze

Food, Recipes

13 Recipes to Inspire Your Healthy Eating

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is losing weight and getting in better shape. The key to healthy weight loss starts with diet. It is important to eat nutritionally dense foods, instead of empty calories like simple carbohydrates from sugars and refined grains. Here are 13 healthy recipes to inspire you to get

Cimperman, Food, Recipes

Chicken Soup for Colds and Flu

Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Chicken soup is a traditional remedy for colds and flu. While scientists may not be able to identify the exact compounds responsible, studies do show that chicken soup has a measurable effect on the immune system. One study found that chicken soup changed the activity of white blood

Dossa, Recipes

A’spare’agus Me Some of That Creamy Soup!

Dr. Meera Dossa, ND Soups are a staple in my household, especially during the frigid winter months. They are an ingenious way to sneak an abundance of vegetables into your family without compromising on taste. And creating them at home spares you the loaded sodium a’salt’ that most pre-prepared soups are armed with. While looking

Food, Recipes

Raspberry Vanilla-Butter Bon Bons

Publisher Razi Berry Grass fed butter is a rich source of Factor X also known as vitamin K2. Not to be confused with Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2 is an important nutrient for healthy teeth, bones and brain health. A delicious way to eat nutrient dense butter is in these easy and decadent bon bons.   

Food, Recipes

Dark Chocolate Cherry Chip Smoothie

Publisher Razi Berry Dark and bright, sweet cherries are an example of the best things coming in small packages. Bing cherries have been found to lower CRP (C-reactive protein) and other inflammatory markers in healthy adults, which means they can help manage and prevent inflammatory diseases. It’s hard to find fresh cherries where I live

Food, Recipes, Swanz

Winter Immune Toddy

Dr. Peter Swanz, ND, FHANP Winter Cold and Flu Support From Kentucky I’m a proponent of empowering patients, individuals, and families to be proactive for their own health at home. The colds and upper respiratory infections that become more common during the winter are an ideal opportunity for practice with alternative and complementary options. A staple

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