
Anti-Aging, Jaklin

Brain Recovery: 5 Factors to Prevent Decline

Dr. Teri Jaklin, ND @WaterdownClinic For many years, it has been held that we are born with a finite number of neurons, and that over time these neurons die and cannot be replaced – the slow burn of neurodegeneration. Brain diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s made for a dismal diagnosis and conditions that resulted in […]

Body, Jaklin, Pain Medicine

Lessons in Recovery from the Surgical Suite

Dr. Teri Jaklin BA, ND, IFMCP @WaterdownClinic Throughout life, my greatest lessons have come from personal observation. Medically speaking, mostly through the health care experiences of others. Early this fall, however, I was the star of my own medical tutorial: Major surgery with power tools, a total knee replacement. Just the thought of it still

Body, Diets, Food, Jaklin

Start Your Healing Diet – Now!

Dr. Teri Jaklin, BA,ND, IFMCP @WaterdownClinic After years of not being taken seriously, even considered out right quackery, nutritional intervention as a cornerstone for recovery and maintenance for people with MS is now center stage, the star of the show. Ironically nutritional recommendations for multiple sclerosis go as far back as the 40s and since

Jaklin, Neurology

You Can Change Your Brain

Dr. Teri Jaklin, BA, ND, IFMCP @WaterdownClinic Two years of blindness was the ophthalmologist’s prognosis after a severe bout of optic neuritis left me completely blind in the right eye. Determined to beat that prediction, morning and night I stared at the small window outline behind the curtain in my room first with my good

Jaklin, Pain Medicine

Changing The Face of Multiple Sclerosis

Dr. Teri Jaklin, BA,ND, IFMCP @WaterdownClinic I was raised in Southern Ontario, one of the international hotbeds of MS prevalence, others who share this geographic distinction include the rest of Canada (with the exception of Newfoundland), the US, and most of Europe. These countries have a few things in common: higher latitudes, lower exposure to

Experts, Jaklin

Dr. Teri Jaklin BA, ND, IFMCP

Dr. Teri Jaklin BA, ND, IFMCP is a Naturopathic Doctor and founded the Waterdown Clinic of Naturopathic Medicine in 2002. She is a skilled general practitioner with a passionate commitment to the foundations of naturopathic medicine, treating people of all ages and health status. Areas of special interest include Multiple Sclerosis and Complex Chronic Illness.
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