Natural News

The Next Generation of Quantum Devices with the Use of Graphene Nanoribbons

Razi Berry An international multi-institution team of scientists has synthesized graphene nanoribbons — ultrathin strips of carbon atoms — on a titanium dioxide surface using an atomically precise method that removes a barrier for custom-designed carbon nanostructures required for quantum information sciences. Graphene is composed of single-atom-thick layers of carbon taking on ultralight, conductive and […]

Natural News

Microbiota Important for Plants to Get the Nutrients They Need, Too

Razi Berry In nature, healthy plants are awash with bacteria and other microbes, mostly deriving from the soil they grow in. This community of microbes, termed the plant microbiota, is essential for optimal plant growth and protects plants from the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms and insects. The plant root microbiota is also thought to

Natural News

Empathy- A More Complicated Virtuous Stance Than You Might Think

Razi Berry Empathy is talked about a lot these days. Against the backdrop of a global pandemic and a divisive political climate in the United States, calls for empathy have become louder and more urgent. We encourage empathy for those inflicted with COVID-19 and those struggling with unemployment. We reminisce about the empathy of public

Natural News

Mental Health For Teens: More Exercise and Less Screen Time

Razi Berry A new study from UBC researchers finds that teens, especially girls, have better mental health when they spend more time taking part in extracurricular activities, like sports and art, and less time in front of screens. The study, published in the journal Preventive Medicine, found that spending less than two hours per day

Natural News

Positive Mindset Can Slow Memory Loss Later in Life

Razi Berry We may wish some memories could last a lifetime, but many physical and emotional factors can negatively impact our ability to retain information throughout life. A new study published in the journal Psychological Science found that people who feel enthusiastic and cheerful — what psychologists call “positive affect” — are less likely to

Natural News

Making Batteries Last Longer – Smart Cars, Phones, and More

Razi Berry A University of Central Florida researcher is working to make portable devices and electric vehicles stay charged longer by extending the life of the rechargeable lithium-ion batteries powering them. Researcher working to make portable devices and electric vehicles stay charged longer Assistant Professor Yang Yang is doing this by making the batteries more

Natural News

Climate Change and Health are Intertwined

Razi Berry  Although the link may not be obvious, healthcare and climate change — two issues that pose major challenges around the world — are in fact more connected than society may realize. So say researchers, who are increasingly proving this to be true. New study found improving healthcare in rural Indonesia reduced incentives for

Natural News

Research on Negative Effects of Artificial Sweeteners on Heart Health

Razi Berry Sugary drinks and artificially sweetened beverages are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, which suggests artificially sweetened beverages may not be the healthy alternative they are often claimed to be, according to a research letter in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Diets including beverages sweetened with sugar can

Natural News

Emotions May Leave a Lasting Smell

Razi Berry Unhealthy behaviors trigger moral judgments that are similar to the basic emotions that contribute to our ability to survive. Two different hypotheses are to be found in the current scientific literature as to the identity of these emotions. Some researchers single out disgust, while others opt for pain. After developing a new approach

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