May 2016

Natural News

Large Whey Protein Breakfast May Manage Type 2 Diabetes 

(NaturalPath) According to a new study out of Israel, presented at the annual Endocrine Society meeting, a large breakfast containing whey protein may help manage Type 2 diabetes. “A high-calorie protein breakfast, medium-sized lunch and small dinner is a proven successful strategy for weight loss, improved satiety and reduced glucose spikes throughout the day in […]

herbal, Kingsbury, Pediatrics

Simple Remedies for Childhood Digestive Complaints

Dr. Sheila Kingsbury, ND, RH (AHG) As children are growing and developing, it is expected that they’d get nausea, diarrhea or other stomach bugs from time to time. It is part of the process of educating the immune system. The most critical way to help them is to keep them hydrated. These illnesses vary quite

Body, Food, herbal

Herbal Bitters

Shawn Peters, Naturopathic Medical Student Bitters are a group of plant constituents, which are not like other plant constituents but are rather distinguishable by their taste when consumed (bitter principle). Many believe that for bitters to induce their physiological effects they must be tasted. This is important when considering how to use bitters, for example

Natural News

Vitamin D Supplements May Help with Diseased Hearts 

According to an article published on BBC’s website citing a study presented at a meeting of the American College of Cardiology, a trial on 163 heart failure patients found supplements of the vitamin D, which is made in the skin when exposed to sunlight, improved their hearts’ ability to pump blood around the body. It

Natural News

Healthy Foods to Eat During Spring

(NaturalPath) Spring is in full swing and there are many different kinds of foods all over the United States that are readily available and in-season to supplement your diet with as you try to be healthy. Since these foods are in-season, you should be able to find them at a discount. Apart from the vegetables and

Dossa, Food, Recipes

Creamy Potato and Leek Soup

Dr. Meera Dossa, ND When you are faced with sub-zero temperatures in mid-April and are thoroughly convinced that winter is a year round affair, like we are here in Toronto, nothing improves your bleak outlook like a bowl of warm and creamy POTATO AND LEEK SOUP! As a member of the allium family, leeks are

Natural News

Vitamin C’s Anti-Cancer Action Plan

(NaturalPath) A new study in Science Translational Medicine finds patients who received high doses of vitamin C intravenously in addition to chemotherapy treatments, may help kill cancer cells and reduce the symptoms of chemotherapy. The researchers out of University of Kansas Medical Center tested this approach in cells, animals, and humans to come to their conclusion. Vitamin

Natural News

Antibiotics for Young Children Could Lead to Adolescent Prediabetes

(NaturalPath) According to a study out of Greece that was presented at the Endocrine Society meeting, young children who take antibiotics may disrupt their gut’s microbial ecosystem and be more likely to develop prediabetes in adolescence. “Increased consumption of antibiotics up to the age of three seems to decrease beneficial gut microbes and alter nutrient absorption

Natural News

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Now Most Heavily-used Weed-Killer in History

(NaturalPath) With people finding out more products that have glyphosate residue on them seemingly every week, now according to the Environmental Working Group, Monsanto’s infamous active ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate, is now the most heavily-used weed-killer in history. The peer-reviewed journal Environmental Sciences Europe reports that globally, 18.9 billion pounds (8.6 billion kilograms) has been used.

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