December 2017

Natural News

Sugar Drinks Linked to Childhood Asthma

Node Smith, ND The American Thoracic Society recently concluded in a study that children who consume large amounts of sugary beverages in early childhood, or their mothers drank these types of drinks while pregnant, may be at greater risk for developing asthma.1 Asthma is an increasingly common respiratory condition marked by a constriction of the […]

Natural News

A Concussion Could Impact Your Gut Health

Node Smith, ND More Elaboration on the TBI and Gut Connection A recent research study has elaborated on the connection between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and gastrointestinal changes.1 It has been observed that gut changes often follow a TBI, however this research reports that these intestinal changes may contribute to a higher risk of infection,

Natural News

I’m not a Liar, I’m Emotional

Node Smith, ND Research on Memory is so Interesting We all want to believe that we remember things accurately and that memory is dependable, especially when these memories are emotional. Many of us would attest that we remember extremely emotional situations with vivid and concise clarity – something often referred to as “flashbulb memory,” because

Natural News

Preventing Dry Eyes this Winter

Node Smith, ND Dry Eyes Season is Upon us Many people complain more about dry, itchy and watery eyes during the winter than any other time of the year. It’s largely due to the cold weather leading people to live indoors with the heat on all day, which dries out the mucus membranes and can

Anti-Aging, Body, Experts, King

Going Under the Needle: Anti-aging Effects of Acupuncture

Dr Sarah King, ND Looking to Achieve a Healthy Glow? Anti-aging products, procedures and techniques have become popular among women looking for a youthful appearance. Although women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s may seek more pronounced effects, even younger women may look to achieve a “healthy glow,” smaller pores, and reduced acne and puffiness.

Natural News

Certain Personalities May Protect Against Anxiety and Depression

Node Smith, ND Multiple Layers of Personality Impact Specific Symptoms A new research study has found that the personality traits of extraversion and conscientiousness may have a protective effect against depression and anxiety.1 It is generally known that high levels of neuroticism predispose people to depression or anxiety, or both. However, if those same individuals

Body, Experts, Food, Stanislaw

Sugar is Not a Treat

Dr Jody Stanislaw, ND Sneaky Sugar Sugar is hiding everywhere in today’s widely-accepted diet, but meanwhile its devastating effects are creating more deaths than automobile accidents. In this eye-opening talk, the NaturalPath and NDNR’s very own, Dr. Jody Stanislaw, a Naturopathic Doctor who has been studying the negative effects of sugar since being diagnosed with

Natural News

Too Much Screen Time Could be a Risk Factor for Depression and Suicide

Node Smith, ND Screen Time and Suicide A new research study suggests that adolescents who spend more time on smartphones and other digital devices may be more likely to experience depression and suicidal ideation.1 Attempted suicide attempts also seem to be correlated with increase in screen time. The study, published in Clinical Psychological Science, states

Natural News

“Screen Addiction” + Warning Signs in Children

Node Smith, ND How vs How Much Many parents and caregivers are asking the question: “How much screen time is too much?” According to a recent study1 conducted at the University of Michigan, this may be the wrong question. The study suggests that how a child uses a device is far more important than how

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