Physical Activity in Teens Lowers Risk of Developing Heart Disease

Node Smith, ND We don’t normally think about teenagers being at risk for heart disease. Youth often holds a certain assumption that the body is healthy, and will continue to be that way simply because its young. To a certain degree this is true, the young body is incredibly resilient. However, just as a journey […]
Compounds From Grapes May Be Next Antidepressants

Node Smith, ND Grapes for Depression A recent study conducted at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai suggests that 2 isolated compounds from grapes – dihydrocaffeic acid (DHCA) and malvidin-3′-O-glucoside (Mal-gluc) – may be the future of pharmacological treatment for depression.1 The research study also comments that a dietary polyphenol preparation also had an […]
Vitamin D Could Improve IBS Symptoms

Node Smith, ND Vitamin D for IBS A recent study from the University of Sheffield, supports vitamin D supplementation to help relieve the symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).1 IBS is a common presenting condition which can have symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, gas and bloating, and general gastrointestinal discomfort. It is a […]
The Ketogenic Way of Anti-Aging

Node Smith, ND Research Article Supports Anti-aging Effects of Ketogenic Diet You may have been seeing a fair bit about the ketogenic diet. A handful of online publications have been commenting on a research article supporting the anti-aging effects of the ketogenic diet.1 The news is NOT new, and the article that is being referenced […]
Dieting Together is the Best Option for Couples

Node Smith, ND You Know What They Say About Couples Who Diet Together? This week an interesting study on couples who diet together has been circulating. The research, conducted at the University of Connecticut, showed that when one adopts a healthier lifestyle and loses weight, the other partner is likely to lose weight too.1 This […]
Comments on Cannabis Quality and Contamination

Node Smith, ND Importance of Ensuring Product Testing: Cannabis Quality and Contamination A recent article on cannabis quality and contamination reminds us that medical cannabis is subject to the same contaminants as any other herbal product and ensuring product testing is important. Just as any other herbal or nutritional supplement, cannabis can become unintentionally contaminated, […]
Pre-conception: Health Practices for Both Partners

Dr Sarah King, ND Thinking of Conceiving? Did you know that it takes about 100 days for an egg to mature? During this time of development and maturation, a woman’s follicles are extremely vulnerable to DNA damage from exposure to toxins, systemic or chronic inflammation, and nutrient deficiencies. This means that for many women who […]
Crash Dieting May Affect Heart Health

Node Smith, ND crash diets can cause short term transient deterioration of cardiac function A very interesting report from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), recently stated that crash diets can cause short term transient deterioration of cardiac function.1 “Crash diets” are referred to in this report as being synonymous with “very low-calorie” diets or […]
How Your Child Gets to School May Affect Their Level of Achievement

Node Smith, ND I Hated Riding the Bus to School When I was growing up, I remember hating the bus ride to school. However, a recent doctoral thesis from Karlstad University has me questioning whether it may have been a beneficial experience. According to the dissertation, the mode of transportation and the activities during the […]
Want Better Performance Results From Caffeine? Hint: Drink Less of it

Node Smith, ND America’s Drug of Choice: Caffeine And we certainly use it to its maximum potential, pushing ourselves to stay up later, get up earlier, work and play more, and do everything FASTER, with our ever-present cup of Starbucks in our hand – or red bull, or black tea, or coke, or monster energy […]