September 2018

Natural News

White Button Mushrooms Could Help Improve Glucose Regulation

Razi Berry Mushrooms are a great food to eat regularly. There are tons of different varieties, they are incredibly versatile in recipes, and they are extremely healthy. Recent research study looked at how eating white button mushrooms creates shifts in the bacterial flora of the gut A recent research study looked at how eating white button […]

Body, Experts, LoBisco, Women's Health

3 Considerations for Getting to the Root of Hormonal Problems: A Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Perspective

Dr Sarah LoBisco, ND, IFCMP Hormonal harmony can seem like a fleeting hope for many women suffering with reproductive symptoms. Distressing ailments that wax and wane with changing hormonal fluctuations of their menstrual cycles is something that most females have accepted as “normal.”1-5 In fact, some may never get relief from their struggles. It can begin

Natural News

Eating Breakfast Versus Fasting Before Morning Exercise

Razi Berry A new study published in the American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, looked at how breakfast before exercise may actually activate or “prime” the body to metabolize carbohydrates. It also indicated that eating breakfast before exercise may actually help rapidly digest subsequent meals post-workout. Study looked at the effect of eating breakfast

Natural News

Misery Loves Company in Teen Relationships

Razi Berry A recent study on teen friendships supports the colloquial idea that “misery loves company.”1 Researchers from Florida Atlantic University looked at the degree to which internalizing symptoms predicted the dissolution of teen friendships. Internalizing symptoms were defined as anxiety, depression, social withdrawal and submissiveness. The 2 questions being asked The questions being asked

Natural News

Monsanto Loses Big Court Case on Roundup Causing Cancer

Razi Berry Monsanto “acted with malice, oppression or fraud and should be punished for its conduct,” Judge Suzanne Ramos Bolanos announced during recent court battle. “The verdict heard around the world”: Agricultural giant, Monsanto, recently lost a historical court battle Agricultural giant, Monsanto, has recently lost a historical court battle against individual, Dewayne Johnson. The

Natural News

Belly Fat Associated with Cognitive Function in Older Adults

Razi Berry A recent study from Ireland has found that belly fat is associated with a lower cognitive functioning in older adults (60 years and older).1 The study may have profound implications for a global dementia population that is predicted to increase 3-fold by 2040. Research shows that overweight individuals underperform normal weight controls on

Natural News

5 Powerful Medicinal Plants to Grow in Your Garden

Razi Berry Growing a garden is one of the most therapeutic aspects of life. The relationship that we build with nature through the process of tending to plants and watching them grow is incredibly potent, and also a great way to have powerful medicinal plants at our fingertips. There are a handful of amazing healing

Natural News

Anandamide: An Endocannabinoid and “bliss molecule”

Razi Berry Hemp and cannabis products such as CBD oil are becoming increasingly popular in the natural health market. The active components of cannabis and hemp are cannabinoids – THC and cannabidiol are the most prevalent and well known. But the human body actually produces its own cannabinoids, endocannabinoids. A neurotransmitter and the “bliss molecule” One

Natural News

Fixing “Leaky Gut” is a Good Place to Start

Razi Berry You may have heard that the first place to start when healing from a chronic disease is to treat the digestive tract, or gut. There are a number of reasons why this is a good place to start in many situations, and one of them is the leaky gut. Leaky gut makes absorption

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