February 2019

Breakfast May Not be the Most Important Meal of the Day
Natural News

Breakfast May Not be the Most Important Meal of the Day

Razi Berry There is a cultural idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In fact, many individuals and groups champion breakfast as a crucial component to weight loss, stating that it prevents snacking, balances metabolism, which leads to weight loss. A recent study has disproved all of these beliefs and has […]

Book Review: Homeopathy Reconsidered: What Really Helps Patients
Natural News

Book Review of Homeopathy Reconsidered: What Really Helps Patients

Razi Berry Homeopathy has become a polarizing controversy in the area of medicine, and even holistic medicine. Proponents cite countless case studies of the medicine’s ability to cure even the scariest pathologies, while critics judge it to be nothing but quackery. A new book may be of interest to both sides, written by a physician

Common Mental State Test Intrinsically Biased
Natural News

Common Mental State Test Lacks Clear Perspective

Razi Berry The test is deeply flawed How do clinicians rate how well a patient understands what other people are thinking and feeling? That is to say—how does the patient assess another person’s mental state? An accurate tool is key for measuring treatment outcomes and carries profound consequences for the patient’s mental and physical well-being.

Love Is Medicine 008: Self Love, Self Care & Intimacy w/ Wendy Strgar
Love is Medicine Podcast

008: Self Love, Self Care & Intimacy w/ Wendy Strgar

After a bad reaction to heavily concentrated petrochemical products that fill most of women’s health and beauty products today, Wendy Strgar got into her kitchen with the hopes of saving her marriage and ended up creating a company. Now, Wendy is passionate about helping women love their vaginas again and reconnecting couples on a deeply intimate level. Today Wendy is here to pull back the curtain on physical intimacy and embracing your sexual self.

American Heart Association Reports 50% Heart Disease Rate in US
Natural News

American Heart Association Reports 50% Heart Disease Rate in US

Razi Berry Nearly half of all U.S. adults have some type of cardiovascular disease, a percentage that reflects recently updated guidelines for treating high blood pressure, according to a new report. High blood pressure – also known as hypertension – can lead to heart attack, heart failure and stroke. Nearly half of all U.S. adults

DNA Changes from Heavy Drinking May Increase Cravings for Alcohol
Natural News

DNA Changes from Heavy Drinking May Increase Cravings for Alcohol

Razi Berry From Rutgers University Binge and heavy drinking may trigger a long-lasting genetic change, resulting in an even greater craving for alcohol, according to a Rutgers-led study in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. Heavy drinkers may be altering their DNA to crave even more alcohol “We found that people who drink heavily

Sleep, Stress and Mood May Modulate How ‘In Control’ Older Adults Feel
Natural News

Sleep, Stress and Mood May Modulate How ‘In Control’ Older Adults Feel

Razi Berry From North Carolina State University Psychology researchers have found another reason that sleep, mood and stress are important: they affect the extent to which older adults feel they have control over their lives. The findings can inform efforts to improve an individual’s sense of control, which has ramifications for physical, mental and emotional

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