November 2020

Chinese Medicine, Dehlinger

Caring for Your “Winter Organ”

Dr Nicola Dehlinger, ND December often marks the official beginning of winter – the season that beckons us to come inside, slow down, and rest more.  When Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was first developed, people were living in a state of harmony with the natural world.  This alignment with each season allowed people to strengthen […]

Natural News

Birthing Experiences can Change Development

Razi Berry It is an experience we all share, as miraculous as it is mysterious. Birth. Today, roughly one in three births in the United States occurs via cesarean section or C-section. In some other countries across the globe, like Brazil and Turkey, this percentage is even higher. Yet little is known about how delivery

Natural News

Strength-Training and the Gender Gap

Razi Berry Strength training is an important part of any exercise routine, but some women may not be getting the recommended hours. New Penn State research discovered some of the barriers preventing women from strength training, as well as some solutions to overcoming those obstacles. In a study of college students, researchers found that women

Natural News

“Prescribing” Outdoor Time Could Undermine Benefits

Razi Berry Spending time in nature is believed to benefit people’s mental health. However, new research suggests that giving people with existing mental health conditions formal ‘green prescriptions’, may undermine some of the benefits. An international research team led by the University of Exeter and published in the journal Scientific Reports, investigated whether contact with

Natural News

Why is “Prettier” Food Thought to be Healthier?

Razi Berry A researcher from University of Southern California published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that explores whether attractive food might seem healthier to consumers. The study forthcoming in the Journal of Marketing is titled “Pretty Healthy Food: How and When Aesthetics Enhance Perceived Healthiness” and is authored by Linda Hagen. Consumers

Natural News

The Intertwined Solutions of Healthcare and Climate Change

Razi Berry Although the link may not be obvious, healthcare and climate change — two issues that pose major challenges around the world — are in fact more connected than society may realize. So, say researchers, who are increasingly proving this to be true. Case in point: A new study by UC Santa Barbara’s Andy

Natural News

The Next Generation of Quantum Devices with the Use of Graphene Nanoribbons

Razi Berry An international multi-institution team of scientists has synthesized graphene nanoribbons — ultrathin strips of carbon atoms — on a titanium dioxide surface using an atomically precise method that removes a barrier for custom-designed carbon nanostructures required for quantum information sciences. Graphene is composed of single-atom-thick layers of carbon taking on ultralight, conductive and

Natural News

Microbiota Important for Plants to Get the Nutrients They Need, Too

Razi Berry In nature, healthy plants are awash with bacteria and other microbes, mostly deriving from the soil they grow in. This community of microbes, termed the plant microbiota, is essential for optimal plant growth and protects plants from the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms and insects. The plant root microbiota is also thought to

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