Memory Effects of Long-Term Cannabis

Razi Berry Even before the pandemic made Zoom ubiquitous, Washington State University researchers were using the video conferencing app to research a type of cannabis that is understudied: the kind people actually use. For the study, published in Scientific Reports, researchers observed cannabis users over Zoom as they smoked high-potency cannabis flower or vaped concentrates […]
Better Recess, Better Social-Emotional Function of Children

Razi Berry Recess quality, not just the amount of time spent away from the classroom, plays a major role in whether children experience the full physical, mental and social-emotional benefits of recess, a new study from Oregon State University found. “Not all recess is created equal,” said William Massey, study author and an assistant professor […]
Shape of Nanomaterials Impact Ability to Cross Blood Brain Barrier

Razi Berry Nanomaterials found in consumer and health-care products can pass from the bloodstream to the brain side of a blood-brain barrier model with varying ease depending on their shape — creating potential neurological impacts that could be both positive and negative, a new study reveals. Scientists found that metal-based nanomaterials such as silver and […]
Irreversible ‘Tipping Point’ of Plastic Pollution

Razi Berry Current rates of plastic emissions globally may trigger effects that we will not be able to reverse, argues a new study by researchers from Sweden, Norway and Germany published in Science. According to the authors, plastic pollution is a global threat, and actions to drastically reduce emissions of plastic to the environment are […]
How Long Are People Able to Live?

Razi Berry The number of people who live past the age of 100 has been on the rise for decades, up to nearly half a million people worldwide. There are, however, far fewer “supercentenarians,” people who live to age 110 or even longer. The oldest living person, Jeanne Calment of France, was 122 when she […]
Brain Hardwired for Spirituality

Razi Berry More than 80 percent of people around the world consider themselves to be religious or spiritual. But research on the neuroscience of spirituality and religiosity has been sparse. Previous studies have used functional neuroimaging, in which an individual undergoes a brain scan while performing a task to see what areas of the brain […]
Maternal Omega-3 Levels May Prevent Breast Cancer in Offspring

Razi Berry According to researchers at Marshall University, a maternal diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids protects from breast cancer development in offspring. In a new study recently published by Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, researchers noted a significant difference in mice from mothers that were fed a diet rich in canola oil, compared […]
RNA Can be Written into DNA

Razi Berry Cells contain machinery that duplicates DNA into a new set that goes into a newly formed cell. That same class of machines, called polymerases, also build RNA messages, which are like notes copied from the central DNA repository of recipes, so they can be read more efficiently into proteins. But polymerases were thought […]
You Need to Know About, and Consider, Naturopathic Medicine

Sarah LoBisco, ND, IFCMP A Sick Care Model for Promoting Health is Doomed to Fail Are you happy with your current healthcare? If you have ever had the misfortune of needing to go the ER (Emergency Room) or Urgent Care, you were probably incredibly grateful for the ability to access modern medicine’s life-saving modalities, diagnostics, and […]
Environmental Factors of Keeping Brain Young

Razi Berry A stimulating environment keeps the “hippocampus” — which is the brain’s memory control center — young, so to speak. Causes of this are molecular mechanisms that affect gene regulation. These current findings from studies in mice provide clues as to why an active, varied life can help preserve mental fitness in old age. […]