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Natural News

Brussels Sprouts and Broccoli for Vascular Health

Razi Berry  New research has shown some of our least favorite vegetables could be the most beneficial when it comes to preventing advanced blood vessel disease. Research has found higher consumption of cruciferous vegetables associated with less extensive blood vessel disease in older women Published in the British Journal of Nutrition the research has found […]

Body, Dehlinger, Experts, Natural News

Finding the Pause

Nicola Dehlinger, ND Coming back from a 30-day sabbatical, I am filled with new awareness, more vitality, and much more clarity about my life in general.  I have a deeper sense of ease and feel more spaciousness in my day-to-day life.  Find it all in the pauses My ever-present mind wants to know, “How are

Natural News

50% Reduction in Earth Seismic Activity From COVID-19 Lockdown

Razi Berry The lack of human activity during lockdown caused human-linked vibrations in the Earth to drop by an average of 50% between March and May 2020. This quiet period is the longest and most pronounced quiet period of seismic noise in recorded history This quiet period, likely caused by the total global effect of

Natural News

How has Gluten and Wheat Changed with 120 Years of Breeding?

Razi Berry In recent years, the number of people affected by celiac disease, wheat allergy or gluten or wheat sensitivity has risen sharply. But why is this the case? Could it be that modern wheat varieties contain more immunoreactive protein than in the past? Results from a study by the Leibniz-Institute for Food Systems Biology

Natural News

You May be Eating More When You Eat While Watching TV

Razi Berry Eating while doing something perceptually-demanding makes it more difficult to notice when you feel full, shows new research from the University of Sussex. Watching TV while eating may make you susceptible to consume more than you realize Professor Martin Yeomans, Dr Sophie Forster and colleagues found that when your senses are taken up

Natural News

Midlife Weight Gain Linked to Early Mortality

Razi Berry A new Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) study finds that changes in weight between young adulthood and midlife may have important consequences for a person’s risk of early death. Changes in weight between young adulthood and midlife may have important consequences for a person’s risk of early death Published in JAMA

Natural News

We are Literally Becoming Plastic

Razi Berry Plastic pollution of land, water and air is a global problem. Even when plastic bags or water bottles break down to the point at which they are no longer an eyesore, tiny fragments can still contaminate the environment. Animals and humans can ingest the particles, with uncertain health consequences. Now, scientists report that

Natural News

Smiling Does Change How the World Responds to You

Razi Berry  From Sinatra to Katy Perry, celebrities have long sung about the power of a smile — how it picks you up, changes your outlook, and generally makes you feel better. But is it all smoke and mirrors, or is there a scientific backing to the claim? Groundbreaking research confirms that the act of

Natural News

Advocating Looking More into Hedonism’s Role in Happiness

Razi Berry Relaxing on the sofa or savoring a delicious meal: Enjoying short-term pleasurable activities that don’t lead to long-term goals contributes at least as much to a happy life as self-control, according to new research from the University of Zurich and Radboud University in the Netherlands. The researchers therefore argue for a greater appreciation

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