
Detox, Kruzel

Dealing with “Allergic Toxemia” Naturally

Dr. Thomas Kruzel, ND Most everyone will experience an allergic reaction at some time in their life as hypersensitivity reactions are the body’s way of defending against foreign invaders while enhancing the immune system development. It is also the body’s way of letting us know that we need to identify and eliminate what ever it […]

Body, Cimperman, Detox, Experts

15 Ways to Treat GERD Naturally

Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND @DrCimperman Have you Heard of GERD? (Of Course You Have) Approximately 6 out of 10 adults in the United States suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD, and 3 in 10 experience symptoms on a weekly basis. The most common symptoms are a burning sensation in the chest or

Cimperman, Detox

10 Ways to Detox Your Home

Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND @DrCimperman Opening the windows is one of my favorite things about spring, especially after a long winter of record-breaking snowfalls and low temperatures. Reveling in sunshine and warmer temperatures and exchanging and circulating the air inside our homes is as good for our bodies as it is for our spirits. According

Detox, Nelson

Air Fresheners: Part One – Ingredients

Dr. Katy Nelson, ND “Pssst. . .” The sound of your neighbor eager to share a choice piece of gossip at the water cooler? No, it’s the automatic “air freshener” at your work place squirting out a measured spray of synthetic fragrance designed to give the air a pleasing fragrance, covering up something considered less

Detox, Nelson

Liver Cleansing and Detoxification

Dr. Katy Nelson, ND There is a famous radio talk show entertainer with Master’s degrees in medical botany and medical anthropology, and a PhD in epidemiology and nutrition sciences who nevertheless laughs at people who talk about “detoxification”. I confess to be confused by this. The liver is the organ of detoxification and chemical transformation.

Detox, Jones

Natural Beauty Products Will Save Your Life

Dr. Ariel Jones, ND Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It measures 20 square feet and has 3 different layers. The skin is specialized to keep microbes out, regulate body temperature and sense the environment.1 In terms of absorbing chemicals, the skin is a more significant route than the lungs.2 Particularly, products that are

Cimperman, Detox

Natural and Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning

Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND @DrCimperman Cleaning products can contain dangerous chemicals that are often unlisted. In the United States, manufacturers are not required to disclose all of a product’s ingredients on the label, which makes it very difficult to evaluate their safety. A study published in the Environmental Impact Assessment Review analyzed best-selling brands of

Body, Detox, Environmental Toxins, Experts, Lytle

Obesogens and Estrogen Dominance

Dr. Millie Lytle, ND, MPH, CNS We live in a toxic world. All around us there are thousands of FDA-approved chemicals in the air we breathe, the food and water we consume, the products we apply and the surfaces we touch. Natural and synthetic chemicals enter our bodies through our organs of elimination; skin, lungs,

Detox, LoBisco

The Scary News On Super-Resistant SuperBugs & How Essential Oils May Help

Dr. Sarah LoBisco, ND @DrLoBisco Living In a Critter-Ridden World As if we don’t have enough to worry about with “Living In a Chemical Soup World,” in 2013 the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) issued a 114-page report, “Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, 2013,” listing 18 superbugs classified as “urgent, serious

Cimperman, Detox

Detox Facts and Fiction

Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND @DrCimperman Detox products and protocols are becoming increasingly popular, from raw food and vegan diets to footbaths and body wraps. These things may be good for us (or not) and they may reduce our exposure to toxins, but they don’t detoxify our bodies. A basic understanding of what detox is and

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