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Dietary Fiber Supplements Help Reduce Obesity

CALGARY, Canada – A new study is showing that a diet with with dietary fiber supplements had better weight control results. The study looked at the impact of high dietary fiber supplements on subjects’ weight reaction while also on a high-fat and high-sugar diet and found those with high fiber supplements had a lower weight […]

Natural News

Slideshow: Top 7 ways to stay hydrated this summer

As the heat of summer increases and the dog days approach, staying hydrated becomes extremely important. Our bodies need plenty of hydration for our internal organs to function properly. But how do we do this? Here are the top seven ways to stay hydrated – naturally. Slideshow: Use the arrows to move to next slide

Natural News

Edible Oils to be Made out of Grapes

The study was published online in the journal Food and Function. Muscadine grapes grow wild and in cultivation in the southlands to make wine and juice. They have a thick skin and large seeds. The byproducts, thousands of tons of it, usually go to landfills, but a fraction of it is turned into oil for

Natural News

Ways to Avoid Catching Diseases from Pets

COLUMBUS, Ohio – If a person suffers from a compromised immune system they might want to be selective about what kind of animal companion they choose, according to a study from Ohio State University OSU and partner institutions compiled information from more than 500 worldwide studies to make recommendations on how to minimize disease transformation

Natural News

Adults Have Risky Autoreactive Immune Cells

STANFORD, Calif. – Researchers at Stanford University are saying decades-old beliefs about how our immune system avoids attacking our own healthy tissue may be wrong. Their study on self-reactive immune cells has revealed vast numbers of these cells remain in circulation well into adulthood, instead of dying-off in childhood. Findings were published May 19 in

Natural News

Zinc In the Body May Contribute to Kidney Stones

SAN FRANCISCO – Zinc levels in the body may contribute to kidney stone formation, according to a study released by the University of California San Francisco. In fact, the study is suggesting that zinc may be at the core of kidney stone formation. Findings are published online in the journal PLOS ONE. More than half

Natural News

Slideshow: 11 Nutrients to Protect the Aging Brain

Having a healthy brain is the second most important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle as we age, according to the AARP. As we age we can face a slew of cognitive issues that include decreased critical thinking, and memory loss as in dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. But there are ways to keep the brain

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