Dietary Fiber Supplements Help Reduce Obesity

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CALGARY, Canada – A new study is showing that a diet with with dietary fiber supplements had better weight control results.
The study looked at the impact of high dietary fiber supplements on subjects’ weight reaction while also on a high-fat and high-sugar diet and found those with high fiber supplements had a lower weight gain than those who did not get the added fiber.
The results were published in the April edition of Obesity.
The team of researchers said the study helps scientists better understand the mechanisms of weight control and energy balance. It showed that simple dietary intervention, with a prebiotic oligofructose fiber, reduced weight gain. This may also lead to the long-term maintenance of a lower body weight in the face of continued dietary challenge.
The fiber effect was seen in every participant regardless of genetic predisposition to obesity.
The supplemental fiber used was oligofructose, a naturally occurring dietary fiber commonly found in vegetables such as onions and bananas. Oligofructose is suspected to decrease weight gain by affecting the composition of microbiota and some of the gut hormones that control food intake.

Author: Editor

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