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Slideshow: The Top 8 Allergenic Foods

Food allergies are growing in the United States. Whether this is due to more awareness or an increase of food sensitivities is not concretely known. An allergy happens when the body’s natural defenses overreact to something ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Food allergies impact about 50 million Americans – about 6 percent of

Natural News

Amazonian Diet Explains Better Vision in the Elderly

GARDEN CITY, N.Y. – A study on phytochemical-rich diets’ impact on visual abilities of Amazonian hunter-gatherers in Ecuador is suggesting phytochemicals are needed to keep sight health. The study was published in the February edition of the journal Nutrition Research. The study shows a contrast between dietary phytochemicals and eye health that demonstrated in the

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Vitamin D may Keep Low-grade Prostate Cancer From Becoming Aggressive

DENVER – New research suggests vitamin D supplements may improve low-grade prostate cancers by reducing inflammation. The vitamin therapy may also lessen the need for surgery or radiation treatment. These findings were presented at the 249th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society in March. The new randomized, controlled clinical trial sorted 37

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Breastfeeding may Offset Leukemia Risk, Study Says

SUBIACO, Western Australia – A study out of the Telethon Kids Institute in Australia is showing breastfeeding could help reduce the risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. An article citing the study’s authors appears in the March 20 edition of Researchers quoted wanted to know if breastfeeding, introducing solid foods or early diet

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Iron and Zinc Found to be a Mood Booster for Women

MELBOURNE, Australia – Researchers at a leading Australian university have discovered that supplementing women with zinc and iron can boost mood and cognitive abilities. The study was published in the journal Nutrients. Researchers examined the positive mood and cognitive effects of increasing iron and zinc intakes in women 12 to 55 years old and found

Natural News

Metabolic Disorders, Nutritional Status and Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases

WROCLAW, Poland — Researchers have surveyed several studies to evaluate the relationship between metabolic and nutritional status with the occurrence of autoimmune thyroid diseases (ATD). Their comparison is published online in the January edition of Postepy Hig Med Dosw. The paper lists the various analyses of the relationship between metabolic disorders and nutritional status in

Natural News

High levels of Vitamin D may Increase Mortality Rates

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – A study is saying that while many health problems can be linked to low vitamin D levels, high levels of it are being blamed for an increased mortality rate. The study from the University of Copenhagen is the first in the world to show the importance of balancing vitamin D levels for

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St. John’s Wort Enhances the Synaptic Activity of the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract

A study has proved that St. John’s wort enhances the synaptic activity of the nucleus of the solitary vagal tract. The herb, commonly used to treat depression, actually inhibits the reuptake of several neurotransmitters, including glutamate, serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. The study evaluated if the herb extract modulates glutamatergic neurotransmission within the solitary tract. The

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