
Body, Stanislaw

How to Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Naturally

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND @DrJodyND When you go to the doctor and discover you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, the first typical recommendation that they give you unfortunately is a prescription drug. However, there are many natural ways to improve your cardiovascular health that also benefit your entire body, without side effects! Cholesterol […]

Inspiration, Mind, Stanislaw

How to Make Goals and Actually Achieve Them

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND @DrJodyND Q: I want to be a healthier diabetic. How do I make new healthy habits stick? A: Follow the proven principles in the B.E. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. formula… The beginning of a new year is a great time to reflect and make a plan for what you desire in the year ahead.

Stanislaw, Weight Loss

How to Avoid Overeating at Holiday Parties

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND The holidays are here, which means you’ll likely be around a lot of fabulous food! You can enjoy it without over doing it. Here’s how: Before walking into a party, have a plan. Take time to think about how much you want to eat and come up with a strategy to

Body, Stanislaw, Viral Infections

How to Stay Healthy Through Cold and Flu Season

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND @DrJodyND Cold & flu season is here! But there are simple things you can do to keep yourself healthy The commonly used explanation, “I caught a cold because Suzy kept coughing on me,”  is not entirely true. If it were, every person near Suzy would become ill, but this doesn’t happen.


The Healing Power of Mindfulness

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND @DrJodyND In holistic medicine, patients are encouraged to change the diet to improve digestion; undergo cleansing protocols to improve liver function; take herbs to balance hormones; exercise to improve cardiovascular function… Yet science tells us we are more empty space than actual physical matter. Furthermore, the particles that make up the

Mind, Stanislaw

An Often Ignored Cause of Disease

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND @DrJodyND What is the root cause of disease? A poor diet? A sedentary lifestyle? Digestive system breakdown? Immune system weakness? Chemicals and toxins? Lack of sleep? Incorrect medication?… As a naturopath, I was trained to look deeply at these types of issues as being common root causes of disease. But in

Mind, Stanislaw

Why Being Vulnerable is Good for Your Health

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND @DrJodyND You are not perfect. Nor am I. But guess what? Nobody is. It doesn’t matter what letters we have after our name. We are all human. Humans make mistakes. Humans get sad. Humans get mad. Humans feel insecure. Humans doubt themselves at times. These experiences are part of being human.

Depression, Stanislaw

Is It Really Depression?

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND @DrJodyND Depression…it is a condition experienced by many in today’s fast-paced and often isolated world. For those looking for natural treatment, options vary widely. Examples can include changing in diet, balancing blood sugar, exercise, more sleep, light therapy, 5-HTP, St. John’s wort, fish oil, SAMe, DHEA…the list goes on and on.

Connecting Mind and Body, Stanislaw

The Power of Meaning

Dr. Jodi Stanislaw, ND @DrJodyND “Life is inherently meaningless.” What was your reaction to that statement? Or I should say, what did your mind do with that statement? Agree? Or emphatically disagree? Make you confused? Or give you clarity? Or perhaps you responded with wonder as to why I would even say such a thing?

Experts, Stanislaw

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND

Dr. Jody Stanislaw is a 2007 Bastyr University graduate. She works entirely via phone with patients all around the country. Being a type 1 diabetic since the age of 7, she specializes in Diabetes care and is an expert at helping patients achieve optimal glucose control. She also works with the general population, advising patients
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