Natural News

Peppermint for Dysphagia

Razi Berry Imagine that while eating a delicious meal at your favorite restaurant, your joy is cut short because of difficulty swallowing your food, followed by chest pain. If you go see a doctor about these symptoms, and there is no evidence of a cardiac cause of the chest pain, you could be diagnosed as […]

Natural News

Body Adaptations from Short-term Overeating

Razi Berry Overeating has been found to impair blood sugar (glucose) control and insulin levels. A new study suggests that the duration of a bout of overeating can affect how the body adapts glucose and insulin processing when calorie intake increases. The article is published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology—Endocrinology and

Love is Medicine Podcast 039: Reset your Metabolism w/ Dr. Alan Christianson
Love is Medicine Podcast

039: Reset your Metabolism w/ Dr. Alan Christianson

Many of us, including yours truly, were told from a young age that your metabolism is something that you are either cursed or blessed with, and there was no way to change it. Dr. Alan Christianson is here to explain why this couldn’t be further from the truth and provide simple and effective ways to get healthier, heal your metabolism and even drop a few dress sizes while you are at it.

Love is Medicine 038: You Don't Have To Be Happy All The Time w/ Razi Berry
Love is Medicine Podcast

038: You Don’t Have To Be Happy All The Time w/ Razi Berry

In pop culture, a life seen through rose-colored glasses seems to be the ideal standard. I argue that by not acknowledging the negative emotions of being human, we are actually doing harm to our mental & physical health. It is proven that those who resist exploring their negative emotions increase their risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, & other chronic illnesses. Only by facing our feelings of injustice & expressing them in a healthy way can we truly let go of the toxicity & heal our minds & bodies.

Natural News

The New Taste of “Reduced” Salt

Razi Berry Washington State University researchers have found a way to make food taste salty but with less of the sodium chloride tied to poor health. “It’s a stealth approach, not like buying the ‘reduced salt’ option, which people generally don’t like,” said Carolyn Ross, a Food Science professor at WSU. “If we can stair-step

Natural News

Hypnosis may Offer Genuine Alternative to Painkillers

Razi Berry A project led by psychologist Dr Trevor Thompson of the University of Greenwich found that hypnosis is more effective with people who are especially amenable to suggestion. But it also found that those who are moderately suggestible – essentially most people – saw a 29% drop in pain. New research shows that hypnosis

Natural News

6 Sleep MYTHS That Cause Health Problems

Razi Berry A recent study on sleep myths concluded there are three very commonly held beliefs about sleep that are simply not supported by scientific evidence, and in fact could be causing harm. The three sleep myths that were “debunked” in this study were, the following: loud snoring is not a health concern, getting only

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